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Bepp Bepp Bepp

I groaned at the annoying sound of my clock. 

7 a.m.

I turned it off and rolled around in my bed. The sunlight was shining in from the split in Between my window curtains. It was a warm and soft light shining right in my eyes, reminding me that I have to wake up and get ready soon. 

Slowly I dragged myself out if the bed. I tried so hard to fight the jet-leg and stay awake and possibly alive. I went to my clothes that I set ready from last night, making sure it was good and clean. Once I was sure, I jumped in the shower a quick warm shower should wake me up. I put on my black one piece swimsuit with a sport top and my women boarding shorts. 

Once I felt ready, I went out to the kitchen. Opened the fringe and looked inside.

"Oh ... right, it's empty." I told myself. Quickly I grabbed my stuff and shoved them in my backpack and ran out of the door. While I was waiting for the elevator I texted maxi,

To Maxi :

"Hey Maxi, its Amy. I just wanted to let you know that I'm on my way to the beach. Should I meet you at the tower or do I need to be somewhere else?"

A few minutes later her replied,

From Maxi:

"Hey Ams, I will see you at the tower @9 a.m."

The doors of the elevator opened, I walked out into the lobby and then out of the building. I looked at the time and it was only 8:15 so I had time to go grab something to eat.

I walked to a cafe near the tower and bought a small coffee and a sandwich. Sat down and started eating, the area was so beautiful and calm in the morning. I can't believe I'm actually here and I'll be working soon.

I looked at the time and it was 8:48. I had about 10 minutes to get to the tower and get ready. So I got up and started walking towards the tower. Less than 5 minutes later I was there. I saw a very happy and excited Maxi.

 "Heeeyyyy, I hope you're not jet-lagged today." He said giving me a big bear hug. 

"Hey.. no I think I should be good." I said giggling and returning the hug. 

"Ok then, we have to start with swimming. Hoppo is in a meeting at the moment which is why me and Harris will be the ones taking care of you." He said as he led me towards the changing rooms. I nodded as a way to show that I understand. 

"Ok so I'll give you a few minutes to change and get ready, ladies Change room is on the right. I'll see you in 5." He said as he showed me the door to the changing rooms. 

"Ok I'll be out soon." I said as I went in. 

I already had my swimsuit on so all I had to do was to take off my clothes and put my hair in a bun. I quickly tossed my clothes in my bag and put it in one of the lockers in the room and closed it. As I turned around to leave I saw my own reflection in the mirror on the wall. I stared at it for a little while, thinking about what a big step I took in my life to get here. This is gonna be one of the best things I've done for myself. I took a deep breath in "you're free now" I said under my breath. 

 With one last look in the mirror I opened the door walking out.

I quickly jogged towards where Maxi and Harris were waiting for me.

 "Hey darling how are you doing today?" Harris said with a massive smile on his face. 

"I'm great. How are you?" I said smiling back. 

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