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"Okay spill, what is it? What did you do today?" Jules said as soon as we entered the change rooms.

"I thought you needed to pee." I said with a little laugh as I dropped my bag on the ground.

"Yea nah... I'm here because I want to know what you two did. I want details." She said very seriously.

"Okay... alright. Well... I need to actually pee but... last night..." I told her everything and the expression on her face changed. She also had a lot to say which wasn't bad to be honest.

"Ahhh but you two kisseddddd." She said excitedly "I've been waiting for a very long time for you idiots to do this. We all have. I'm pretty sure the boys have a bet going on." She said laughing.

"Wait, hang on, a bet? Come on Jules we want to keep it secret for now. Please please don't say anything." I begged her.

She nodded accepting.

After I told her about my time with Harrison and she gave me her opinion on everything, especially my problem with the ocean we decided we should go back.

We walked out only to find the parking lot empty.

"Uhhhm okay... did he just leave ?" I asked Jules a little confused as to why Harrison was nowhere in sight.

"Call him," she said. I nodded as I pulled my phone out and called him.

He picked up immediately. "Hey I'm in the tower." He said quickly.

"Oh ok on my way see you in a bit" I said and then hung up.

Me and Jules walked together towards the tower as we planned a nice girls day out for me, her, Thalia and Tulle.

As we neared the tower I saw the light coming out from the open door and could hear Harrison's loud laughter, I smiled. 

Jules looked at me "let's go get your maaaaannn" she said teasing me when she saw the smile on my face and then running away. 

"No Jules... stop making fun of mee" I said whining laughing at the faces she was making.

Harrison and Max walked out of the tower laughing at us running around in the sand. I laid on the sand like a little starfish still laughing my head off, Jules sat down beside me.

Max and Harrison reached us and sat on the sand with us. I placed my head on Harrison's lap and started talking with the group for a little while, we talked about how Max and Jules were happy we finally got together.

Soon Max said his goodbye and left since he had an early shift, not long after Jules left as well.

I looked up to his handsome face as he stared at the dark waters, he took a deep breath in and then looked down at me, "what?" he whispered.

"Nothing..." I said taking his hand that laid on my stomach. 

"Did you have a good day today?" he asked out of blue.

"yea ... the best actually." I told him, smiling. "Why?" I questioned. 

"I don't know, I guess I just had to make sure. So wanna go home or do you want to go for a swim at night?" he asked with that cute smile of him.

I thought about it for a second and decided I didn't want to risk drowning so I said "hmm maybe another night, I think I had enough swimming for today."

"Yes I'm kinda tired too...hey I'll drive you home."

"Hmmm thanks... I'm actually kinda feeling really hungry. Garbage food?" I asked with a sheepish smile. 

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