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It was a normal day at Bondi. I was on patrol with Jessie on south Bondi, we only had one more hour of our shift left. Like always the beach was busy with people but thankfully it wasn't a bad day. I only did like 4 rescues that afternoon so I was sitting in the Rhino, my legs up on the counter as I was watching the water.

These past few weeks, guilt is all I feel. The guilt of killing someone. The guilt of being the reason why JJ is dead.

"I can't believe it man! I ... didn't want to get him killed. I just wanted to do what's right. I just wanted to help Amy." i said, feeling the tears come up to my eyes again.

"It's okay mate! You didn't know. You had good intentions." is all he said.

I was angry. Guilt and anger was all I could feel these days.

I shook my head and got out of the Rhino. I needed to clear my head so I just walked to the edge of the water and just stood there.

These past two weeks I've done everything in my power to avoid Amy because I'm scared of seeing her. I'm scared of talking to her. I'm scared to tell her that it was my fault her brother was dead.

"Mate! Just talk to her. She will understand." Jessie said standing beside me.

I didn't say anything but he was right. I have to talk to her. That's the only way to make it right. Amy will be back to work in a few days so I'll talk to her then.

Me and Jessie wrapped up the beach and put the flags away. He had to leave soon so I told him that I could lock up. Mario was the last lifeguard to leave and once he left I started to lock up the tower and the garage.

I took the keys from the shelf inside the tower and went down the flight of stairs to lock up the garage. I felt someone behind me as I was kneeling down to lock the bottom locks, but then again we are on a public beach so i just assumed it was a passing person and minded my own business.

But as soon as I got up and turned I came face to face with a group of guys. For someone who has to deal with a bunch different guys everyday, I have to be honest these guys were not only scary but they were also huge too!

I wasn't sure what to do or how to react. So I cleared my throat and asked, "hello gentlemen, can I help you with anything?"

"You the guy they call Jethro?" One of them asked.

"Um... yes. My name is Jethro."

"Hmm. so you know why we're here surly!" He said, stepping closer to me.

"Erm... The beach is public... you don't need lifeguard permission to swim. However at this hour I would not recommend it." I replied feeling pleased with my answer.

"Hmm. you hear that Boss? The boy thinks he's smart, giving out clever answers like this. He has no idea the shit he's in!" one of the other ones said with a chuckle.

"Hmm. boys..." The main guy ordered nodding towards me and immediately I was held by two other guys.

They held my arms tight from both sides while one of them pulled on my hair, giving more access to my neck for the guy holding a knife.

"Okay. okay okay.. Come on we can talk about this. Tell me what you want. Money?"

"You know what happens to snitches? You know what we do to people who tell on us? especially when are told not to do so.  Boss says you told on him. took your little snitcher ass to the police and told them his plans." he asked, holding the knife close to my face. The tip touching under my eye, cutting the skin of my face a little.

"So you work for Mike." I breathed out.

"Hmm. and he sent you a gift." he said and whistled as he walked away.

Before I could ask or say anything two other guys attacked me, punching and kicking me.

I don't know how long I was on the ground under their arms and legs. I don't even know how I got myself to the tower.

All I know is they kicked and punched me so much as my left eye couldn't open anymore. My whole body was shaking from pain and the taste of blood... oh that iron-like taste... I still can feel it.

I kept going in and out of consciousness.

When they were done with me and left, I still didn't dare to move. I stayed on the cold sand trying to breath in as much oxygen as I could.

I pulled my body up and trembled to the tower. I was barely able to stand on my two feet so the fact that I got myself up there and called Joel was a miracle.

I couldn't talk. I just hit the dial bottom on the first number on my phone and fell on the ground.

Breathing heavily, the only word I could form was "Help!"


I had just gotten home from my run of the day when my phone started to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered. It was Jethro.

"Hey Jeff!" I said expecting the cheery boy to say something stupid like he always dose, but he didn't. Instead all I could hear was heavy breathing and a whisper.

A call for help.

"Jeff? Is this one of your pranks? Because it's not funny, especially not after what happened to JJ." I said into the phone expecting him to start laughing and say that he was sorry. But he replied with a louder "Help"

Talking louder made him cough and that did not sound right or good.

"Jeff?! Where are you?!" I asked turning to the door and ready to run to my best friend.

I could hear his heavy, shallow breathing along with his coughs and one word. The one word that helped me find him.

"Tower" he whispered. 

I immediately started to run to Bondi and the lifeguard tower. "Okay! Okay, I'm on my way. Just hang on. Im almost there" I said to him as I ran.

Thankfully my house wasn't far from Bondi, just a short 12 to 15 minutes walk and with the speed I was running I could be there in less than 10.

I arrived by the beach, the sky was dark and the beach was dimly lit by the street lights. I could see the light in the tower was still on so I just assumed that is where Jethro was. I quickly jumped over the fence and down the stairs towards the tower.

My breathing was heavy, from both running and the stress of what might have happened to Jethro.

I flung the door open and the scene I came face to face with made my heart drop.

I saw my best friend laying on the ground covered in his blood, his clothes were ripped and his face was swollen. Blood covered his hands, face and hair. He looked ... dead.

If it wasn't for his heavy breathing and the sound it made, I would think he was dead. 

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