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Days passed and everything was starting to back to normal, Harrison and I went on a few much needed dates to change our moods, we also went on a few surfing trips with Jethro, Maxi, Thalia, Jessie and Tulle.

Work was good, and for some strange reason after all that has happened I felt safe again, I did rescues after rescues, went surfing in my free time. Got really good at it too, i mean i have so many great teachers!

It was a Saturday, I had the day off but Harrison had to work since I made him stay with me at home for so many days which left me alone at home, bored out of my mind. Jules was busy with her pregnancy stuff, going to doctors and buying baby things, Thalia was out of town with Maxi and Tulle was busy with modeling. So I was alone, lonely and bored. Tulle did say I could hang out with her but I was not in the mood for it so inserted I decided to pick up my surfboard and hit the waves. Since it was a busy day at Bondi surfing was not allowed so I went to Maroubra, I know not the wisest decision since all the surfer gangs hang out there but all i wanted to do in that moment was to surf. I Had to feel the ocean again. To empty my head.

A short drive later I was at the beach. I could see a few groups of surfers already on the waves and more on the sand. I took a deep breath in and walked out of the car, with my surfboard under my arm I stepped in the hot sand. With a smile on my lips I started to walk towards the bright body of water.

I passed a group of guys, I knew a few of them from Jessie's friends and exchanged a few 'Hi' and 'Hello's but I didn't stop to talk. I just didn't know them well enough to have conversations with them so I continued towards the ocean.

Soon my feet hit the water, with it my smile grew wider. Taking a breath in, I ran in and started paddling out. Once I was far enough I sat back on my board and waited for a large wave. I saw a decent wave come my way and I started to paddle towards it. I got ready and caught the wave. It was fun. I felt good.

I rode a few more surfs and for some reason I was starting to become a popular one between the people around. I was out waiting for my next wave when a girl paddled towards me.

"Hey! You're good! I mean like not a pro because i obvi can see some issues with your techniques but ya know good enough! Are you one of Kobi's girls? You from around here?" She asked, positioning her board near mine.

"Thanks! Erm no! I live around Bondi!" I replied.

"Oh so you're Ali's girl?" She said nodding her head.

"Ali? I'm no one's girl! I just came here for good surfs."

"So you're not Alison's new girl? I hear she a good one! She got herself a good girl and apparently a husky guy! I hear he's hot one that one! On a run because he killed someone." she said facing me and then turning and looking out at the stretch of the water.

"Alison? Which Alison?" I asked, feeling my heart ache.

" Stewart! Yea she is a scary one! I'd keep my distance. I hear her ex started to date this lifeguard girl and Alison is not happy about that! she 's crazy enough to go after the girl's ex! But I don't know the whole story." she shrugged.

"Her ex?!" I asked quietly. Things started to fall into place. It's all Her! Alison is behind it all.

"Yea! Well... welcome to our part of the ocean! I'm Shailine. You can call me Shay. I'm new in Kob's gang just moved down from Perth."

"Nice to meet you...I'm Am-" I started to say my name but decided to not give her my real name just in case. "I'm Amber!" I replied, shaking her hand.

"Well Amber! It is very nice to see you. I have to leave but we should hang later. Maybe hit the water again?" she asked.

"Um sure! I know a few of Kobi's people will get your number from them." i said with a smile.

"For sure! See ya later."

I sat on my board for a few more minutes until I finally decided to go to Jessie and ask him about this. He has friends in the gangs and he know s how to get information about all of this.

I quickly got in my car and drove to Bondi. As soon as I got to the parking lot and parked my car I jumped out of the car and started running to the tower.

"Jessie?" I called running inside.

"Hey! is Jess here?" I did not even pay attention to who it was that answered me.

"North end." they said and before they even finished talking I started running.


I was in the tower keeping my eyes on the water when Amy ran in asking if Jessie was here. She was in a rush so all I could tell her was that he was at the North end before she ran off.

"Hey jess, mate Amies is running to you. She seems to be in a rush. I think something happened." I spoke in the radio.

"Ok mate thanks." He replied.

"She's here? Why?" Harrison asked.

"Yea she wanted to talk to Jessie." I replied.

"Ok thanks mate, um I'll talk to her after I guess." 


I ran to where I assumed Jess was at. "Jessie?" I called as I got closer to the buggy.

"Amies! Hey! WHat's up? Everything okay?" He asked, stepping out of the buggy.

"Yeah... no... listen..." I said trying to level my berthing. I told him everything I knew. It was clear that Mike was working with Alison and that they were after me.

"Jessie, I have to do something." I said as we sat on the sand.

"Are you crazy? What are you gonna do? Fight them?"

I thought about it for a second and replied "yes! If I have to... I will."

"Amy you can't! I... let me talk to Kobi's people they can help but promise me you wont do anything stupid." he said looking at me very seriously. I just looked anywhere but his eyes because I can't promise that, not when my friends are in danger. "Amy promised me!" he repeated again, this time more sternly.

"Okay fine! Fine... but if they say no I'm going after her myself." I threatened. Very stupid and weak attempt, I know but I didn't really care anymore. I am done being scared of them.  

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