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About 30 minutes later and a lot of driving around on the rhino JJ and Mike finally met everyone who was on a shift today. I think the boys liked them and they liked the boys too.

After a quick stop at the tower and saying goodbye to Maxi and Jethro who were still in the tower, we were back in the car driving home.

"So what do you think of the family?" I asked looking at JJ who was now sitting beside me in the front seat.

"Uhm they were nice... yeah she... she is lucky to have you guys. To have you... look Harrison... I'm really sorry for the way I reacted. I hope we can get past it and you don't think of me as this crazy controlling guy." He said, taking a quick glance back at mike.

"No mate it's all good... I get it, if II had a sister and she went through the shit Amy went through I would react like that too. So it's okay... all you have to do is to talk it over with Amy." I told him as I drove in our parking spot turning the engine off.

As we walked to the elevator we talked and joked about some of the things the boys told JJ and Mike about me and Amy. And let me tell you there were a lot of stories.

Soon we were at the door and I was trying to fish my keys from the depth of my pocket, after a little struggle to take my keys out I finally opened the door and let the boys in.

"Hellooo? babe?" I called as I walked inside helping the boys with their bags.

"Is she not here?" JJ asked.

"She should be... I mean the oven is on." Mike said.

I looked at the oven, and he was right it was on and the food was almost burning.

"Urm... you guys okay bringing the bags in yourself? The room she got ready for you is down the hall to the right. I'm gonna see where she is." I said as I turned the oven off and took the pizza out.

"Yes all good man. Don't worry." JJ said. I nodded to him and walked towards our bedroom.

"Amies? Are you in here?" I opened the door. I could hear her music and the splash of water from our bathroom. "Amy?" I asked , knocking on the door.

The music posed.

"Amy?" I asked again, trying to open the door. Locked.

She never locks the bathroom door.

"Yes? Harrison? Is that you?" she asked from the bathroom.

"Yea babe... who else? Are you okay? Why is the door locked?" I asked.

"Yes. Yes, I'm okay. Urm it's... its nothing. I made pizza.I'll be out in a minute."

"Okay I'm in the living room with the boys."

"Okay I'll be out soon."

I walked back into the living room and started to talk with the boys. Mike wanted to shower before our late lunch so I helped him with where everything was.

Walking back into the living room I saw JJ staring at the photo Amy had on the wall. As soon as he heard me walk in he turned to me and smiled "it was her favorite." he said pointing to a teddy bear she was holding in the photo. "The bear... I got it for her. it was supposed to be her birthday gift but she found it in my room a week before her birthday." he said chuckling. I smiled at his story. He turned to face me again, "is...is she okay?"

"Oh yea yea she was just taking a shower...urm... yeah she's fine... I think." I said as I walked in the kitchen to set the table for our lunch.

"Okay" was all he said.

I took some plates out of the cabinets and placed them on the table. "JJ? Has... she urm she had the door locked... She never locks the door. At least I've never seen her do it." I said grabbing some soda pops from the fridge.

"Oh..." he said and slowly sat at the table. I turned to look at him.

His fingers folded into a tight fist. So tight his knuckles are white.

"Is everything okay?" I asked

"Erm ... yes ...no ... look something did happen... a long time ago. With Mike. Her Mike. but I think she should be the one who tells you." he said, looking me directly in the eyes.

"Wa-what do you mean? Did he..." I started to ask but I was cut off by Amy.

"Did he rape me?" she asked from the entrance to the living room.

She was leaning on the wall with her hair dripping wet. JJ and I both turned to look at her, worried of what she would say. I was worried and angry about what happened to her. Scared of the story that was waiting for me to hear. 

But to our surprise she started to chuckle "calm down... he didn't. Come on JJ you know what happened. Stop scaring him." she said unbelievably calm. To be honest I wasn't sure if I should be scared now or happy because when it came to stories about her and Mike she always got really emotional.

"Sooo... what happened?"

"nothing ... just a bit of bruising. I ...urm... I hid in the bathroom, locked the door and waited until he was sober and gone." she said with a tight smile, like it was nothing.

"Urm well... Amy I- I'm so sorry you had to go through that love... are-"

"Hey it's okay it was a long time ago... I'm good now. I have you!"

I nodded and continued setting the table. She is unusually calm and that for some reason is freaking me out.

"Hey ... urm Amy? Where should I put these?" Mike asked as he walked in the living room holding his wet towel and the clothes he used to wear before his shower.

"Oh right... here let me show you how our washing machine works... just in case I was at work and you needed to use it" she said as they left me and JJ in the kitchen.

"She seems way too okay with the whole lock thing." I mentioned awkwardly as I cut some tomatoes for the salad.

"Honestly... she has changed. She is not the same girl who left Canada 2-3 months ago." he said sighing "I'm gonna go shower." he said getting up and walking towards the guest room.

I simply nodded as I continued to cut more tomatoes. 

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