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I sat on the uncomfortable chair at the waiting hall, not being able to stop my leg from shaking. I took a deep breath in telling myself that she will be okay. She's alive and that's what matters.

Being in this hospital is like staying in a slow moving world. Time just doesn't pass. About ages of stress and worry later, which was actually about 30 minutes later the nurse came over to me, "Amelia Smith?" she asked.

 I shot up from my seat when I heard her name. "Is.. is she okay? Can I see her?" I asked quickly. 

"Yes she should be fine, the injury to her head was not very good, she lost a lot of blood but we managed to close the wound and she is under medication for now." she said as she led me to the room she was in.

We walked past a few rooms and came to a stop by the room 234 I looked inside and there she was, laying vulnerable on the hospital bed. 

I began to walk in but the nurse stopped me. "Sir? Before you go in. The head trauma may cause some memory loss. If you notice anything please inform myself or one of the other nurses or doctors." she told me. I nodded.

God please let her be okay. I thought to myself. I walked towards her bed. Looked at her bruised face, I slowly held her hand in mine as I kept my eyes on her innocent face.

I looked around, making sure there was no one other than us in the room, then I pulled the chair closer to her bed and sat down.

 I took a deep breath in "I don't know if you can hear me now or not but I have to say it because I know if you were awake I wouldn't be able to say it. Because as Maxi put it the other night I don't have the balls to tell you upfront that I like you. I really really like you Amy. and when they said you were gone..... I couldn't handle the thought of losing you. I know I don't say it but I can't lose you. Which is why when you wake up and get better we are going on a date where I will admit that I love you..." I stopped. 

Shit, I love her, I told myself. I looked at her again. "I love you, I love you, I love you..." I kept saying under my breath.

There was a knock on the door. I looked up to see Hoppo and Jules standing there with sympathetic looks on their faces.

They walked in. 

Jules walked to the other side of the bed and held her hand. Hoppo looked at her then at me and said "she will be okay. Don't worry.". I nodded. "I'll go talk to her doctor, she lives alone. We are all she has so we need to take care of her." Hoppo said like a father figure that he is to her. 

Yea since she started working here at Bondi she and Hoppo became really close and he takes care of her just as he does for his own daughters.

Both me and Jules nodded at his comment and with that he left the room.

We sat there in complete silence for a while until Jules broke the silence. 

"She might kill me for telling you this but she really liked you. You broke her heart really badly." she said quietly.

I looked up to her and then to Amy. "I know. but you know the reason Jules..."

"Yea I know... I just thought you should know that she really really liked you... she probably still does." she said and then turned to face her best friend.

 "Jules?..." I asked looking at her.

She looked up to face me. "Hm?"

"I ... I think i love her." I replied. 

"I know." was all she said. "Look Harrison, we all know you do love her. You just have to prove it to her. If you really do like her or love her... show it to her. Grow a pair and ask her out." she said. I nodded.

Jules and Hoppo left about an hour ago. I sat there still holding her hand. After a while I felt my eyes getting heavy so I put my head on the edge of her bed and closed my eyes drifting into a deep sleep.

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