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My appointment with my psychologist was at 12:30 p.m. Like always she started with a relaxation practice and a few questions about my week. Doctor Warren was a skinny, tall black lady with a kind face and short dark brown hair. As always she was wearing her signature red lipstick with that soft and welcoming smile on her face. When she talked it was like someone was talking you to sleep.

Her assistance called my name, making me pull my face away from my phone and jump out of my seat walking to her door.

"Amy!! Come in... come in love!" Kelly said with a big smile as she opened the door even before I knocked on the door.

I swear this woman has psychological powers!! And I'm not saying that because she opened the door before I knocked, nope I'm talking about the fact that she just knows what the hell is wrong with me.

"So how are you love?" she asked.

"I'm good, great actually... I started to swim again." I replied with a nervous smile.

"Really!? Hmm that's amazing!! So tell me why are you nervous?" she asked.

See ?!?! she knows everything!!!

"I..... I'm... not!" I lied.

"It's okay Amy... tell me... and then we can do the relaxation practice." she said, nodding to me.

" Well... My best friend who is like a brother to me is coming today and I'm worried he would push Harrison away from me."

"Why do you think he would do that?"

"I... don't know... he's over protective and I really want him and Harrison to become close."

"Oh honey... trust me they will like each other and if he really loves you he will accept your boyfriend." she said as she sat beside me and held my hand.

"Now how about we do that relaxation practice." she said as she got up giving me space to lay on the bog couch in her office.

I laid on the huge couch and closed my eyes and took a deep breath in.

"Okay Amy, close your eyes and take a deep breath in." she said and I followed her instruction.

"Good now, exhale..."

"Inhale .... Exhale..." she said with her calming voice. "Now let your mind rest.... Empty of all thoughts... empty of all worries."

I let my mind empty, my body relax, and my breathing slow and relaxed.

"Okay now slowly open your eyes..." she said. I opened my eyes slowly and somehow the room seemed a lot lighter than before. It was like we were inside the sun!!

After the meditation practice she talked to me a little more about JJ, Harrison and my swimming. She gave me some tips for Harrison meeting JJ and honestly I might use them.

Soon Harrison came to pick me up from doctor Warren's office to go to the airport.

As soon as I saw his car I ran towards the car, quickly opening the door and jumping in.

"Hey beautiful..." he said, giving me a quick kiss.

"Hey... how was work?" I asked as adjusted my seat

"Eh ... it was good. Same as everyday. What about you? How was the appointment?"

"It was great actually."

"Yea? What did she say?"

"Umm she gave me some tips on how to not freak out about you and JJ"

"Oh you were actually freaking out about us?"

"YES!! But not anymore... Because now I know how to control you two!" I said turning to face him putting my legs up on his lap. 

He smiled and ran his free hand over my shins "I love how stressed you get over us... but I promise you babe, I will behave and he will love me more than you." he said looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"Oh hahaha I would like to see you try." I said laughing at loud.

"Okay challenge accepted sweetheart!!" he said.

The rest of the drive to the airport was just us singing along to the music on the radio and laughing. About 20-30 minutes later we were at the airport looking for a parking spot in the sea of the cars parked in the busy parking lot.

After about 10 minutes of driving around we found a parking spot, although very far away from the entrance but a good parking spot nonetheless.

"Finally !!" Harrison said as he got out of the car. I followed after him quickly catching up with him holding his hand. We walked to the gate where JJ and his new boyfriend would arrive from, and after about 20 minutes of waiting I saw my crazy sorta brother walk out the gate with his big backpack on his back as he dragged his hideous fire red suitcase after him.

As soon as he saw us he waved and started bolting towards us.

"AMY!" he yelled, running towards me and in one sweep movement I was off the ground in his arms and spinning!!

Who needs roller coasters when you have JJ right?

"Heeeeyyyy!! JJ put me down before I threw up on you!" I said trying so hard to keep the context of my stomach inside my stomach.

"How are you little one???" he said, still holding me as tight as he possibly could.

"I'm good , how are you? Ughhh I've missed you sooooo much!!!!" I said hugging him tight for a second and pulling away to say hi to his boyfriend.

"Hi... you must be Michael. it's very nice to meet you." I said , extending my hand.

"Hi.... Mike is fine... nice to meet you too" he said, shaking my hand.

For a second the mention of the name made me stop and slightly pull me hand away, but I stopped myself and shook his hand. "Urm... this is Harrison, my boyfriend." I said introducing Harrison to them.

"Hi, nice to meet you." he said, shaking their hands.

"No mate... come on! Just a hand shake? I'm the brother... Come on, give me a hug!!!" JJ said in that mixed English and Canadian accent, pulling Harrison a big bear hug.

"Oh.. uh.. Okay yea well nice to meet you mate!" Harrison said, a little surprised at JJ's extra friendly act. I smirk at him hugging my brother.

"Okay... get off of my boyfriend! Let's get you two home... and welcome to Sydney!" I said with a smile , taking a hold of my boyfriend's hand.

And with that we helped them take the train of their many suitcases to the car.

As we walked towards the car I kept on having a weird feeling. Like someone was watching me from afar. 

The drive home was fun, we talked as Harrison took the nice route to home showing the two different parts of the city.

"So how do you like being a real lifeguard?" JJ asked leaning in to face me from the back seat. I turned in my seat at the front and looked at him. "A real lifeguard? I was and still am a real lifeguard." I told him with a sarcastic tone and a smile. "But it's fun... I love it."

This kind of talking was normal between the two of us, we always made fun of each other, mocked one another and let's just not talk about the pranks!!!

"So... you're telling me after almost dying, you're okay to save more people and put yourself in more danger?" he asked with a more serious tone. 

What was he trying to do? I was shocked by his unusual serious tone. I looked at him with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. Mike was shocked but he stayed quiet. From the corner of my eyes I saw Harrison turn and look at me.

"Well... are you?" JJ asked again. 

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