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Me and Harrison sat on the balcony for god knows how long. But it was good. I felt comfortable with him. We sat on the comfy sofa thing I had outside curled up beside each other just looking out at the sunrise. Enjoying the morning fresh air. I felt my muscles, brain and eyes finally relax and soon we both fell asleep.

I woke up with an arm wrapped around me. My head was placed on the hard surface of his chest. His heart beat, calming. 

I breathe in his cologne. 

hmmm ... I like this. I like life when he's in it. I thought to myself. I felt him move beside me. 

"Hey ..." he said in that hot sleepy voice of his. I smiled at him, pulled myself up and kissed his cheek, "Hey" I said snuggling my head into his neck.

He pulled me closer to him, "How are you feeling?"

"Better... much more better" I said. I smiled looking up to face him.

"What do you want to do today?" he asked.

"I don't know. Wanna go down to the beach?" I asked.

"Hmm sure." he replied. " Are your stitches going to be okay in the water?" he added. 

"Yup! talked with the doctor yesterday and she said I'm free to shower, go to the pool and the beach. She did say the salt water might make it burn a little, like how it is with your eyes but that's about it." I replied and he nodded as he gently touched my stitches taking a closer look at them.

he slowly touched my forehead examining my wound. I winched at his touch. 

"Oh sorry, dose it hurt?" he asked quietly. 

"It just stings. Its okay." I replied smiling.

after a little bit of talking we decided to meet downstairs after we both changed. He went to his own unit and I quickly changed into my bikini and put on a flowy dress. 

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As soon as I was ready I texted Harrison asking if he was ready

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As soon as I was ready I texted Harrison asking if he was ready.

To Harrison:

Hey when you're ready text me.

The only Kiwi I'm not allergic to.Where stories live. Discover now