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"Ready?" he asked with a wide smile.

I looked at the beautiful blue body of water and nodded.

"Okay. yea... lets do it." I closed my eyes and started to run to the edge of the deep end but I halted to a stop as soon as I was at the edge. I opened my eyes and I was so close. So very close to going back to water.

Harrison came beside me and held my hand brushing his thumb over my hand smiling down at me.

"Okay, okay ... no I can do it. I got this" I kept on saying.

"Hey , I'll go first and I'll catch you. Nothing will happen. I'll be in there with you." he said nodding to me. I nodded and forced a smile on my lips.

He leaned in and pecked me on my lips quickly and jumped in the pool and emerged to the surface soon. "Come on babe you can do it."

"Okay.... Urm Harrison? Don't catch me unless I'm in trouble." I said out loud, making him look at me shocked.

"You...you're sure?"

"Yea." I said taking a deep breath in stepping closer to the edge of the pool. Somehow this made me smile. Maybe it was just the stress of going back to the water, but I smiled. I got ready and jumped in head first. I let it all get back to me, it's weird, to me swimming is like walking. It was like I never stopped swimming. I didn't even think I just let my body do its thing, letting my brain go free enjoying the sunshine sparkling under the water.

Ha! maybe doctor Warren was right. If I block the scary memories of that day and let my body do its thing, it works. And it's working now! I'm swimming. I'm underwater and I'm not freaking out. I'm not dying.

I swam up to the surface, opening my mouth and taking in all the oxygen I could.

As soon as my head surfaced I started to laugh. I laughed like my life depended on it. I saw Harrison looking at me like I was crazy. I swam to him and hugged him tight, kissing his soft lips with all my might. He held me tight and kissed back.

"I did it. I swam. Did you see me?" I asked between the kisses.

"Yea. you're amazing. You're doing it. I'm so proud of you." he said kissing me one last time. "Want to swim a little more love?" he added as he swam around me, making me swim around following him.

"Yup." I said as I swam around slowly.

"We could race." I said with a big smile splashing water into his face. Laughed and swam towards me tackling me down underwater. I pushed my body up pressed to his, trying to bring both of us up to the surface of the water.

As soon as we resurfaced again I started laughing. For the first time in a few weeks I was truly happy and not afraid. I wasn't afraid of anything. I hugged him tightly, putting my head on his shoulder "Thank you" I whispered to him. He held me closer to himself. "Thank you." I repeated and kissed the corner of his neck quickly and pulled myself away from him and looked at him with a big smile. He stared into my eyes and smiled, leaned in and kissed me. My heart started to beat faster and faster. I felt my face heat up.

Me and Harrison kissed before, we have shared so many kisses, but this one, this one was different. It was full of passion, more than usual. I felt my heart melt with the touch of his soft warm lips to mine. His right hand moved up to the back of my neck pulling my face closer to his. He deepened the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer, if that was even possible. 

We slowly pulled away for air. He looked at me and pecked me on my lips one last time and whispered "I .... I love you."

My heart skipped another beat, I looked at his tanned gorgeous face and kissed him again. "I love you too." I told him as he placed his forehead on mine kissing the top of my nose.

For some reason saying I love you to the man that I really did love made me feel light and fuzzy. Maybe because I've been keeping myself from saying it. I don't even know why, maybe I was scared to say it.

We kept on swimming and playing in the water like two absolute children for a little while until the sun started to set. The sky started to turn into the most beautiful shade of orange and red.

I swam to the edge of the pool where it looked over the surprisingly calm ocean. The small waves crashed on the rocky edge of the pool making small splashes. Harrison swam beside me and pulled me in his arms as we both looked out into the beautiful horizon. He put his chin on my shoulder and placed a quick peck on my neck. "Hmmm I can stay here with you forever." he whispered in my hair.

"Hmm me too." I replied as I placed my head back leaning it on top of his.

After a long time of just talking and many many kisses we decided that it was getting cold and dark so we got out of the pool. We started to walk towards the tower to get changed and go home. 

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