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I had just finished my lunch break, and I was walking into the tower when Glick yelled "Harrison, Defib, north end." I didn't ask questions, I didn't even think, because in moments like this we just run to save a life. I grabbed the defib bag and started running.

Soon I saw the circle of people gathered around what I assume was a group of my colleagues and a swimmer in danger. 

"I got the defib" I said as I got through the crowd of people, and I could not believe the scene in front of me.

I was frozen, the person that I was falling in love with was laying on the sand lifeless. Blood covered her face. Maxi was on top of her doing CPR.

I quickly shook my head and started helping with CPR as he and Chappo attached the defib pads to her lifeless body. I was trying to be strong and do my job, save her life but in reality my whole body was shaking. My heart was beating too fast.

Defib's recorded voice informed us that there was no pulse which made me even more stressed. So I got back to doing more CPR.

The defib machine again informed us that it didn't find a pulse. Maxi took over for me since my hands were shaking. He checked again and said "I can feel a pulse, its weak but its there." He said happy.

Chappo reset the machine and finally we were able to send the first set of shocks through her lifeless, small body.

Her body jolted but she didn't open her eyes, she didn't throw up the sea water, she didn't look any different.

 I took over CPR again. I didn't give up. I can't give up. I just found her. I can't lose her. Yes she wasn't mine yet but I can't not have her. I can't remember what life was like before her. So I didn't give up. I kept going. 

"Come on Amy." I said through harsh breaths and compression. 

"Come on. Please. please wake up." I begged her.

Maxi did one more set of shocks, but she didn't show any sign of improvement.

By this time paramedics were arriving. One of them took over for me. While the rest connected her to a stronger machine. No response.

She didn't have any pulse.

The paramedic, her name was Sarah I think. Decided that she was gone. I decided against it. 

"I'm sorry... she's gone" she said softly and stopped working on her.

"NO" I yelled, shaking Maxi's hand off my shoulder who was holding me back. I started doing CPR again. Giving her mouth to mouth breaths. Begging her through tears and shaky breaths to come back to me.

"Mate, mate, I'm sorry. It's no use Harrison." Maxi said, trying to take me away from her body. I pushed him away and yelled NO a few times. My whole body was shaking.

"No. No Maxi, I can't give up. What if it was Thalia?" I asked. And he nodded helping me bring her back.

I don't know what happened, I don't know if it was God or the aggressive compressions I was giving her, that gave her another chance but all of the sudden the defib detected a pulse and sent a shock through her body. It all happened too fast. No one could believe that she was coughing and throwing up the water.

I immediately held her hand as Maxi and Chappo put her in a recovery position. 

"Its ok, you're okay." I kept saying as I held her hand and brushed her hair out of her face. 

"Amy? Amy keep your eyes open for me. look at me love. look at me" I told her. 

She weakly opened her eyes and very quietly asked about the guy she saved. Chappo said that he was fine. She nodded and closed her eyes again.

"No Amy, open your eyes honey, look at me." I replied not even realizing I was calling her honey.

I was so happy that she was alive. She was alive. It hit me. She was alive because I didn't give up. I took a deep breath in. And looked at her. Her eyes were weak. Her hand didn't have enough energy in them to hold on to mine.

Maxi came over and said "Amy love can you squeeze Harrison's hand please?"

She tried, it was weak but it was something. I nodded to him. With the help of the paramedics we put her on the stretcher and carried her to the ambo.

I saw Hoppo running out of his office, looking stressed and pale. I looked at him and he nodded to me. The paramedic, Sarah, asked "okay only one person can go with her. Who is it going to be?"

"I will." I said stepping closer to Amy's body. Sarah nodded and let me go in the ambo as soon as Amy was in.

I took a hold of Amy's hand, she looked at me, "Harri..son... I'm really cold." she said weakly and with a shaky voice.

I nodded and asked for a blanket for her. Sarah passed me a space blanket. And went back to cleaning Amy's wounded head. I thanked her as I pulled it on Amy's small body. Holding her icy cold hands again. 

"It's ok, I'm here. You're okay." I kept reassuring her but let's be honest it was mostly me reassuring myself that she was okay.

Not long after we were at the hospital, the doors to the ambo opened and a large group of doctors rushed her out of the car and into the hospital. I followed them into the room of doctors rushing around her, yelling for different stuff asking questions from each other and me, one of the doctors looked at me quizzically. 

"Hm?" I asked, shocked. 

 "I asked, any allergies? Any medications we should know?" she said.

"I ... i'm not sure... Kiwis.?!" I replied.

"What?" she asked again.

"She's allergic to Kiwis." I replied. She nodded and walked away. One of the nurses came over to me and asked me to leave the room. She wanted me to fill some forms.

 "Okay sir.... What is your relation to her?" she asked. 

"friend, she's my friend." I replied wishing that I could say I was more but for now I am her friend. 

 "Okay amazing, please fill these forms for me and I'll let you know how she is doing." she said, passing me the clipboard and walking off.

I filled in most of the paper. There were some things I didn't know so I called Hoppo, he has her files. He should know.

After a quick phone call he told me the answer to the questions and said he will be here soon. 

I passed the clipboard to the nurse and she told me to wait here in the waiting hall. 


hey guys so this is the last chapter that I have written from before, it will take me some time to write more. so please wait for more. I should have at least 2 more chapters done by next week. 

I hope you liked it so far :) 

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