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As soon as he left Jules looked at me and said "So? Are you two together?"

"What? no ... not yet. I mean I want to, but he only said he liked me that's it. Let's give it some time.'' I said as I slowly took off my clothes to walk into the bathroom.

She helped me with my shirt. "Yea or you can talk to him?" she said with that mischief smile of hers.

After my quick shower, I changed and I walked out into the living room.

Jules and Harrison were sitting at the table talking and laughing at something.

"Hey guys"

"Heeeyyy " they both said in union.

"How do you feel?" Harrison said as he got up and walked towards me. 

"I'm better. A Lot better."

"That's good. Come on Jules made food." he said as he led me to the kitchen.

We ate, talked and made fun of random things, maxi and max joined at some point.

Around 8-9 p.m I received a text from JJ asking about my day and giving me his flight information.

"Shit" I said out loud looking at my phone.

All 4 of my friends looked up at me, confused asking if I was okay.

"Yea. yea. I'm good its just I totally forgot that I have family in Canada and I need to tell them about things like this." i said pointing to my face. 

"Oh ... okay how about you call them now?" Jules said.

"Yea ... call them. They should know,"Max said.

So I did that. I called my mom and told her what happened and yes she got really really worried. Thankfully the boys and Jules assured her and my dad that I was fine and they would take care of me. She said she and my dad are booking their flight to come here and take care of me. Which honestly is nice. I actually really really miss them.

After that was done Maxi smiled and said "Well that wasn't so bad."

"Yes I wasn't too worried about them. It's JJ I'm worried about," I said laughing.

After a long long long phone call with JJ and introducing him to my friends, he accepted that I was okay and said he agreed on not changing his flight. But oh boy he had a lot to say.

By the time he hung up Maxi and Max were gone, Jules was just about to leave since she had an early morning shift the next day which left me and Harrison together.

Harrison and I sat on the couch talking about JJ and our families.

The whole time I kept my eyes on his kind face, his welcoming smile and his beautiful hazel eyes. I smiled to myself, this is it. What I wanted is to be with him. To have him hold my hand, brush my hair out of my face, smile at me and talk to me the way people who are more than just amazing friends do.

He looked at me and smiled "What?" he asked

I giggled and said "Soooo? You really like me ha?"

"Yea I really liked you. I ... I actually wanted to ask... do... would you maybe want to go out with me? Like on a date. Of Course when you feel better. No pressure." he asked shyly scratching the back of his neck. 

"Hmm let me think, do I want to go out on a date with a hot kiwi? A Yes I would." I said, looking at him with a smile.

"You think I'm hot?" he asked surprised

"Are you seriously asking me that? Harrison every girl on the beach thinks you're hot, myself included." I told him as I intertwined my fingers with his and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Just to be clear... I think you're hot too" he said, pulling my body closer to him. His comment made me giggle.

That night we ended up watching a movie with me curled up against Harrison's muscular body. I felt safe being in his arms. I felt relaxed and soon my body started to shut down and I fell into a deep comfortable sleep.


we were watching a movie when I felt Amy's head fall on my chest. Yup she was asleep.

Slowly without waking her up I carried her small body to her bedroom and placed her on her bed.

She stirred and turned, I stopped moving and looked at her making sure she was asleep. 

Regret is such an interesting thing, since I ended things with Alison I feel so guilty for breaking Amy's heart. I should have talked to her then, I knew I liked her then, I should have said something. I looked at her again sleeping so peacefully. I pulled the blanket on her. She was knocked out. Slowly I walked out of her room and into the living room. Yes I would've loved to sleep beside her but I thought maybe not. I've only told her I liked her, maybe she's not comfortable with me moving too fast.

I shook my head at the thought of her not wanting me and told myself dude she said yes to a date. Calm down she likes you.

I laid on the couch with the small couch blanket that she had there and closed my eyes. Didn't take me long to fall asleep.


okay guys sorry this is short one but I'm working on the next one which will be longer!! I'm so excited for you guys to read the next one!!! let me know what you think :) 

 Oh an one question, so far you guys know a little about JJ. we know him as the gay childhood best fried who acts like an older brother even though he is only a few months older than Amy. I'm trying to match a face to him but I'm not sure who! any ideas? I was thinking someone like the character of Eric Effiong from Netflix 's s*x education? but I'm not 100% sure! who do you think?

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