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Hey everyone!! super long chapter full of Drama is coming your way!!! hope you like it:) 

Thanks for all your comments and votes!! love you all lots!! 


Every story is made up of different elements, a beginning and an end, a climax and definitely some drama. But all stories have two things for sure, a good person trying to live their life and a villain who sometimes just enjoys hurting people a little too much. Now the villains come in all shapes and sizes but in my story somehow I've got two of them.

My story, ... well my story started with no drama. All throughout my high school and middle school I was living my life, being friends with everyone but also only hung out with JJ and a few other people. Then things changed when I met Mike, the first month of the relationship was good. I felt happy, then came the second and the third months and that's when things got ugly.

Anyway, time passed and about 8 months later I moved to Australia for a new start. Preferably a drama less start.

Ha look how that turned out!

On my first day of my new DREAM job I got sexually assaulted and then I got really jealous and then I drank my jealousy away until it all came back up. Literally. And to make it worse a few weeks later I almost died. Then I didn't die but I was scared to swim again... hell, I was scared of showering let alone swimming.

But things started to get better. Yes I did have a little fight with JJ on the day he arrived but other than that things have been great.

That is until tonight, Alison's party, where things get a little... confusing.

You see... not to call myself crazy or anything but you know when you are scared of something or hate something, it keeps coming after you? Or when you have a bad feeling about a person and you see someone in the crowd that looks like them, you freak out? Yea, that weird feeling at the pit of your stomach.... that's what I'm talking about.

For the past week, tonight especially I keep seeing Mike. And I know it's not him because right now he is in a fully isolated prison in Canada. Far far from here. But I see him and whoever this person who looks like him is, seems to follow me because I've seen them at the beach between the crowds of people. I saw them in the store when I went to get milk the other day. And I've seen them at the airport when we went to pick up Mike and JJ.

Now you might be confused and possibly concerned about me being here at her party.

Yes I said I wouldn't go and yes I told Alison I can't go but she insisted that I should go. When I told her that I have guests from overseas she insisted even more that I must bring them too. And not gonna lie to you, the girl is scary so I said yes to the invitation. Which brings us to tonight, now, at the party.

JJ and his new boyfriend, Mike, were gone. Probably hiding somewhere making out. Harrison had a few drinks and now was desperately looking for a bathroom leaving me alone in the busy room of people I didn't know.

I felt eyes on me, not just then, in fact I felt their eyes burning into the back of my head the whole night. I decided to just ignore it and wait on the balcony for Harrison to come back. I texted him where I would be so I took my drink and walked to the balcony. I stood there for a few minutes until I felt someone behind me. Thinking it was Harrison I turned around with a big smile but my smile dried on my face when I saw Alison.

"Oh... Alison! Urm it's a nice party. Thanks for the invitation." I said trying my best to be polite.

She smiled and walked towards me. "Ah I'm glad you could make it love! So! Tell me about You! How are things with you and Harrison?"

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