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A/N Hi guys! 

just waned to first thank you for  reading my story and voting for my story! it means so much to me to see people are actually reading and liking the story! so the next few chapters will be a little short because I wanted you to read each point of view on its own.  

Also the photos I am using on each chapter are all from Pinterest I do not own any of them so all the credits will go to the owners of the pictures. 


The past two weeks have been great, me and Harrison are friends again, we went out with Jules, Maxi, Thalia, Jessie and Tuille a few times. That was fun. I also had a few girls nights with Jules, Thalia and Tullie in which the boys joined in on one of them. It was funny to see them try girl products! 

Me and Harrison have done tons of rescues together, and had a chance to hang out more. I still like this man, it's even harder not to fall for him now that we are close again.

That day was a gloomy, cold, cloudy day with huge sets of waves. But because it was a holiday the beach was busy with crazy people swimming to their death. Literally!

It was only 10 a.m. and we've done so many rescues so far. I was down at the north end helping people and telling people to stay between the flags or come out of the water when I saw someone really struggling. I was on duty with Chappo so I told him to report it and I'll go do the rescue.

I grabbed the board and ran towards the water. I paddled as fast and hard as I could. I finally got to the guy in trouble. I tried to grab his hand but another set of waves came at us pushing me away from him. I paddled towards him again and this time got a hold of him. Helping him pull his body on the board. 

The huge waves kept crashing on us and he wasn't stable on the board. He had a hard time staying at the center of the board making it rock side to side and almost tripping with every crashing wave. I finally managed to keep him and the board steady when another set of waves pushed us to the worst spot possible. I looked around. We were too close to the rocks. Now, I've been practicing so I could get myself out of the situation with no problem. It was him I was worried about.

I looked up at the rocks and back to where the beach was.

Riding a wave through and between the rocks with him on the board was not an option. It was either going to the rocks and going up to the safety of the upper rocks or paddling out.

I looked around and decided paddling out was not a good option with the swells coming towards us because no matter how hard I paddled the board would be pushed back to where we are now. So I made the decision and I made it fast. I saw people watching us from the rocks so I paddled there and told them that when I get close to the rocks he is going to jump on the rock and climb up and away from danger. We had a plan.

I paddled to the rocks and got as close as I possibly could get. At this point all I cared about was getting this man back to safety. If I lose the board I'll pay for it. What I can't pay for is this man's life.

"Okay this as close as I can get. Please be a good swimmer. You have to jump and go up, these people up there will help you." I told him and he nodded.

He jumped in the water, swimming quickly towards the rocks and climbed up. The people up on the rocks pulled him up helping him to safety. I looked at him, he was okay, he was safe. 

It was my turn. But before I could do anything another wave crashed into me throwing me off the board.

I swam back up to the surface, breathing in the air. Gasping for more air to enter my lungs but instead, salt water filled my airways and mouth as another wave pushed me back under water. I tried again, but I was pushed under again.

I was so close to the rocks I felt my body being scratched by the sharp edges of the rocks. I swam back up again finally being able to take in a little air, coughing, feeling my lungs burn. But another wave crashed on top of me, pushing me down and into the rocks. The last thing I remember before complete blackness is me hitting my head on the rock so hard I felt my heart stop from the pain.

That's when darkness came, my body was weak, I was too under water to be able to swim up again. I was too weak to try again so I gave up. I let the darkness take over me. I let the ocean take me.


Amy went in for a rescue, I was watching her the whole time. The swells were strong, very big and she would need help. I radioed the tower letting them know what the situation was. 

"This is Chappo to Bondi central, Amy just went in for a rescue but I think we need to send in a ski she's too close to the rocks."

"Hey Chappo, I'll send maxi in with the ski."

I put the radio down and went closer to the water to have a better look. I saw her send the guy up the rocks. Crazy yet smart idea, better than crashing into the rocks I suppose. The man was safe, it was her turn now. 

 It all happened so fast, too fast. How can something happen so fast but also in slow motion? I saw her board go up in the air and she went under. I ran to the rhino and took the radio.

"We need the ski on the water NOW, Amy went under." I yelled into the radio.

Soon I saw Maxi riding the ski at full speed to the rocks.

Please be okay. Please be okay I kept saying in my head. Praying that our girl was okay.

I saw him jump in water and pulled her up. He got back on the ski and then suddenly he threw his hands up signalling that we needed a defib. I ran to the radio and said "we need a defib down here."

Soon maxi rode in the sand with her limp and bloody body in his arms. I ran to help him. Immediately he started compression on her chest. She looked pale. 

"She's not breathing," Maxi said. 

"Is there a pulse?" I asked.

 "No, I can't feel anything," he replied. 

Harrison ran towards us with a defib in his hand. He stopped when he saw it was her. I took the defib from him and started to dry her chest and put the pads on her chest.   

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