drunk vinnie

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as im chilling on the couch, i get a call from liya, and im wondering what shes calling me about cause she's at a party right now. i answer the phone and i put it to my ear. "yes liya?" i ask and i hear really loud music coming from the phone. "you need to pick vinnie up, he's wasted right now." she yells over the music and i scrunch my eyebrows. "and he keeps talking about yall sex life, so get your ass here now." she shouts and i spring up. "im on my way." i say before quickly hanging up and i throw on my hoodie and slide on some crocs. 

i snatch my keys out of the counter and rush out the door. vinnie is crazy when he's drunk. he will expose our entire relationship with no hesitation. so that's why when liya mentioned that he's talking about our sex life, i had to leave as soon as possible cause im already scared of he said too much...

i arrive at the party quite quickly as the house isn't so far from vinnie and i's place. i park then quickly get out of the car and make my way to the wide-open door that shows all the lights inside. i walk in and i feel someone grab my hand and i quickly turn my head and see liya. "come here." she says pulling my hand walking over to the bar area, and i know vinnie is there. as im slightly pushing people out the way i see vinnie sitting at the bar with a drink in his hand. i let go of liya's hand and i walk over to him.

"baby!" he slurs as he smiles and i smile back. "hey vin, let's go home okay?" i say pulling his arm but he shakes his head. "i was telling them how bomb our se-" "okay vinnie lets go now!" i say cutting him off with a fake laugh and he whines. "and i was telling them how that one time when i had you tied up and-" "let's go vincent." i say in a sterner voice and everyone around us laughs. "fine." he pouts as he puts down the drink and i pull him up. 

"gimmie kiss." he says poking his lips out and i shake my head. "you smell like alcohol." i say and he gasps. "why are you being mean?" he asks but i ignore him as we push through the crowd trying to reach the door. "im not being mean babe." i say and he smiles. "you called me babe!" he says excitedly and he leans in but i move my face. "no vinnie." i say and he whines again. "i thought you loved me." he says and i sigh as i finally reach outside. "i love you vinnie, let's just get home okay?" i ask and he nods.

i help him into the passenger seat and i buckle his seatbelt for him then i close the door. i walk over to my side and i quickly get in then buckle my seatbelt and turn on the car. "im horny." he blurts out and i laugh. "can we do it in the backseat real quick?" he asks and i shake my head as i start driving. "please? i wanna fuck you sooo bad." he says and he puts his hand on my thigh but i let him. "tomorrow, once you sober up." i say and he starts to fake cry. "stop crying vincent." i say and he sighs. "am i ugly?" he asks and i scoff. "i wouldn't be with you if i didn't think you were attractive." i say and he smiles. 

i help him walk into the house and he starts humming our favorite song. "you're sleeping in the guest bedroom." i say and he looks at me like im crazy. "why?" "cause you need to sleep by yourself tonight. last time we slept in the same bed when you were drunk you kept kicking me." i say and he frowns. "you don't love meee." he slurs and i shake my head. "i love you more than i love myself so don't get it twisted." i say as i lay him down on the bed and he reaches his arms out for me but i push them down. "good night baby, i love you." i say and he blows a kiss at me. "love you too babeeee." he says before i leave the room closing the door behind me.

a/n: first imagine lol

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