drunk confessions

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vinnies pov:

as im brushing my teeth, i get a call from kio and i roll my eyes, having a feeling hes going to call me to come pick up troy cause hes wasted. i pick up the phone and i put it to my ear. "yes-" "come pick up y/n, she can't even stand right." kio says yelling cutting me off and i spit out the toothpaste that's in my mouth. "like my best friend y/n? she never gets wasted." i ask and i hear him sigh. "just come, hurry please." he sats before hanging up and i roll my eyes as i walk back in my room and throw on some random clothes.

why is she getting drunk? she's been really distant from me and i don't know why though. ever since i got close with faith, she has been avoiding me at all cost. and faith treats her nice too so maybe she's just going through something, but it sucks not having my best friend around anymore. 

as im pulling into the driveway, i can hear the loud music from the inside. i wonder how nobody has gone deaf yet. i quickly get out of the car and jog inside just to get blinded by flashing lights. "y/n?" i call out and i hear her voice in the distance and my heart starts to race. 

i push through the crowd towards the bar just to find her sitting in a barstool, with whiskey in her hand. "y/n!" i shout and her head snaps towards me and she gives me a small smile. "best friend!!" she yells and i smile. "hey, we're leaving-" "no, let me drink my feelings away." she says cutting me off and i shake my head. "no, we are leaving." i say putting down her drink and she scoffs. "shouldn't you be with that bitch faith?" she asks crossing her arms and i gasp. "she's not a bitch y/n. let's go." i say pulling her arms and she whimpers. 

"stop vincent!" she says hitting my arms and i roll my eyes. she starts hitting my back really hard and i stop walking and throw her over my shoulder, making everyone look at us. "vincent cole hacker-" she slurs as she kicks her legs, hitting my chest but i ignore it as i carry her out the house. "vinnie, put me down." she complains as i open the passenger door and i sit her down. i walk over to the driver's seat and once i get in she starts whining. "im tired." she mumbles as i turn on the car and she puts her hand on my shoulder. "you're really fucking handsome." she says and my face heats up. 

"thank you y/n." i say and she nods. "you know, that faith girl makes me so insecure." she says and i scrunch my eyebrows. "what? why?" i ask her and she sighs. "i mean she has a perfectly flat stomach, her whole body is perfect, her face is perfect. just everything im not." she says and my heart drops. "y/n-" "and her smile is also so pretty. i wish i looked like her." she sighs and i don't even know what to say. 

"and also im horny right now so that doesn't help." she mumbles and my eyes widen. "like i could really get railed right now by anyone and i wouldn't complain." she says and i just look at her once we are at a red light. "y/n you don't even know what you're saying, your drunk." i say and she rolls her eyes. "if someone could just give me head-" "okay y/n." i laugh cutting her off and she smiles. 

i pull into the driveway of my house and before i even park, y/n unbuckles her seatbelt and opens the door. "y/n the hell?" i yell as she jumps out the car and i immediately park. "jesus-" i mumble as i quickly get out the car and i hear her laughing. "ow." she giggles and i roll my eyes as i help her up. "where does it hurt?" "my shoulder." she says and i nod. "okay, first you're going to brush your teeth, then i'll get you ice." i explain to her and she nods. 

"lick lick lick lick, i wanna eat you dic-" "y/n y/l/n." i slightly yell cutting her off and she giggles. "but i can't fuck with my nails, so imma pick it up with chopsticks." she sings lazily as i give her a toothbrush and she smiles. "mouth wide open, mouth wide open. mouth wide open like im at the dentist." she sings as she brushes her teeth and i shake my head with a smirk on my face. i don't think she knows how drunk she is, cause she never talks like this. 

"im finished!" she yells walking over to me and i cover my ears. "y/n im right here." i say and she giggles. "anyway, mouth wide open, mouth wide open, put it so deep i can't speak a sentence-" "okay, let's go lay down." i say cutting her off and she rolls her eyes. we walk back into my room and i take off my shirt. "ooh la la!" y/n says clapping and i laugh. she takes off her shirt and my eyes widen. "im just hot vincent. but if you wanna fuc-" "y/n." i say in a stern voice and she giggles. "sorry dadd-" before she can finish i cover her mouth and she sighs.

i take my hand off of her mouth slowly and i lay on the bed and she just stands there. i pat my chest and she slowly walks over and lays on top of me. i turn on some soft music on the tv and she looks up at me. "you know, you should be doing this with faith." she says and i shake my head. "no." "well she is your girlfriend." she says and i raise an eyebrow. "she's not my girlfriend. you just act differently when she's around." i say and she sighs.

"and why? why did you distance yourself from me once i started talking with her?" i ask and she doesn't respond. "y/n?" i ask again and she keeps quiet. "y/n answer me plea-" "cause im fucking in love with you! i've liked you for so long now and- and your talking to this new bitch. so i drink and smoke all my feelings away. and i was going to say something earlier but i saw you hanging out with girls that looked nothing like me so i figured that im, not your type." she blurts out and my jaw drops. 

"y/n-" "and i won't remember this in the morning so just forget i said anything. i'll just go so you-" before she can finish i lift her face up and i press my lips against hers to shut her up. "now, stop yapping, please." i say and she smiles. "now get some rest, so we can see if you remember in the morning or not." i say and she nods. "night vin." she says cuddling closer to me and i kiss the top of her head. "goodnight y/n." i say as i pull her close.

a/n: this took a while to write

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