so high

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happy birthday to vinnieeeee baeeee!!! birthday smut with a plot twist

"so, you wanna try some?" vinnie asks y/n and passes her the blunt. "of course," she smirks and grabs it. she puts it in her mouth and inhales some. he grabs another blunt for himself and starts smoking it.

the room has dark red led lights filling the room with incense and candles burning, making the room smell amazing. "we should do this more often.." y/n laughs and puts her head on vinnies shoulder.

"yeah we should...the vibe of this room isn't making it any better." he smiles and y/n puts one leg over vinnies legs. he blows out the smoke in his mouth, throwing his head back and closing his eyes with a groan, making y/n freeze and look at him.

he looks at her with the side eye and smirks. she puts her blunt to the side and kneels in between vinnies legs and he gulps. she tugs down his shorts and boxers and he groans as y/n slowly wraps her hand around his erection.

she looks up at him as she slowly wraps her lips around his top and sucks. "y/n...god you're so hot." he moans and throws his head back as she starts deepthroating him.

he smokes the blunt and they make eye contact as he blows out the smoke and she moans around his dick. "oh my god..." he groans and puts his hand on her head, pushing her head down on him

she gags loudly and tears form in her eyes as he starts face fucking her. "just like that baby, you're doing so good for me." he praises and smirks as she looks up at him with tears falling down.

"i'm right there...right fucking there." he moans and pushes her head down a few more times before moaning her name and releasing into her mouth.

she gets off his length and swallows it all, sticking out her tongue and showing him she swallowed. "come here." he says and smirks at her.

she takes off her panties and straddles him, slowly sliding down onto his length and she whimpers as she holds onto his shoulder tightly.

he smokes the blunt again and pulls her into a kiss, blowing the smoke into her mouth as they sloppily make out. y/n pulls away from the kiss and starts bouncing on him and he puts his hands on her waist.

"oh fuck you feel so good around me..." he groans and his eyebrows furrow in pleasure and y/n puts her head in the crook of his neck as she moans loudly.

"you're so...big vinnie." she whines as he starts slowly thrusting up into her, making her cry out and her head falls back. he presses kisses to her chest and up to her neck as she slowly grinds on him.

"oh fuck vinnie!" y/n screams and vinnie covers her mouth, shushing her. "there's still other people here...remember that," he whispers and she whimpers in his hand, gripping on his bicep.

*knock knock knock*

a/n: wooooooooooo. 

i cant believe hes 20. like wow.

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