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lil halloween smut for y'all

"vinnie! come and look out my outfit!" y/n shouts from their room and pulls down her skirt slightly. she smiles at herself in the mirror as vinnie slowly opens the door and walks in cautiously

his eyes widen at her outfit slightly and she smiles. "do you like it?" she asks and he sighs, not responding. "what?" she asks and he looks at her up and down. "you already know what im about to say y/n." he says and crosses his arms.

"i actually don't." she says and he lets out a loud sigh. "well i'm got going to explain it to you. you'll have to figure it out yourself. but i'm not happy with it." he says and she frowns. "but vinnie-" before she can finish, he walks out the room and slams the door behind him.

she groans loudly before putting on her heels and grabbing her purse. she checks her makeup before walking downstairs. she sees vinnie grabbing his ghost mask from the movie 'scream' and holds it while grabbing his keys.

"let's go." he mumbles and she nods and follows him out the house.


they arrive at the party and vinnie puts on his mask before they get out of the car and walk in together. "don't do anything stupid." he whispers in her ear before walking away, leaving her alone in the huge house.

"y/n!" nessie shouts and she smiles as she walks over to him. "hi nessie!" she smiles and hugs him tightly. "what are you doing here? with vinnie?" he asks and she nods. "he didn't like my outfit and he's mad at me." she says and he nods.

"i mean y/n, your ass is kinda hanging out from your skirt." he says and runs his fingers through his hair. "i didn't know it was supposed to be this short! i just wanted to be a sexy nurse but not this sexy." she explains.

"you wanna dance?" nessie asks and y/n takes his hand and he leads her to the dance floor slowly.

a hype or...twerking song starts playing and vinnie and nessie make eye contact. nessie nods and vinnie walks over. y/n slowly grinds on nessie but, she doesn't know in a split second, vinnie and nessie swapped places.

vinnie bends down, grabbing her throat and pulling her up. "ness! i have a boyfriend remember?" she laughs and vinnie chuckles. "i am your boyfriend, baby." vinnie says and y/n slowly turns her head.

"oh-" "so you thought i was nessie? twerking on him and everything..." he whispers in her ear in a low tone and she lets out a shaky sigh. "i...i wanted to make you jealous." she admits and he hums.

"go to the bathroom," he whispers and she nods before making her way to the bathroom. when he walks in with her, he takes off his mask and closes the door behind him, locking it.

she looks at herself in the mirror before vinnie walks behind her, pushing her back on the counter. she gasps as the cold tile hits her chest and vinnie lifts the rim of her skirt up.

"you know how things end up when you try and make me jealous," he mumbles and smacks her ass with all his power, making her scream. he sushes her and rubs the reddened area and she puts her forehead on the counter.

"vinnie...please?" she whimpers and looks at him in the mirror. "please what? i don't know what you want." he says and she whines. "god, just please fuck me." she says and he hums in satisfaction.

"keep your head up," he says as he pulls down his pants and his boxers. she looks up in the mirror and they make eye contact as vinnie slowly slides himself into her.

her face twists in pleasure and he starts thrusting into her quickly. "look at you, getting fucked in this slutty outfit you chose to wear..." he groans and grips onto her hips. "oh god!" she moans loudly, and her head falls onto the tile again.

vinnie grabs her hair, pulling her head back up and her eyes roll into the back of her head. "you're taking my cock so well baby, you're doing so well." he whispers in her ear and she moans in his ear.

his other hand reaches up her chest, playing with her breast through her short top. he pulls the top down, her breast falling out and bouncing with each hard thrust vinnie gives her.

"vinnie! i- i can't!" she moans loudly and he lets out a low moan as he tightens the grip around her hair, pulling once again.

"you can take it. you're almost there." he says and she makes eye contact with him in the mirror again once again.

she looks away as her legs start to shake violently. "shit! oh god i'm- cumming!" she whines and her eyes roll into the back of her head.

vinnie quickly finishes after her and slowly pulls out. "meet me back outside. we're leaving, i'm not even close to being done with you." he says, pulling his pants back up and walks out with his mask on.

what did she get herself into?

a/n: no there is not going to be a part two.

i already know tons of vinnie imagine stories are gonna publish ones with him dressed as ghost face lmao

happy halloween loves!❤️

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