heartbreak anniversary

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i fix my dress with the biggest smile on my face before i walk into vinnies house. today is our two-year anniversary and i couldn't be happier. he said he has a huge surprise for me and i can't stop thinking about what it could be.

"baby im here!" i call out once i walk in his house but i get no response. "vinnie!" i yell but it's silent. i sigh as i remember he has soundproof walls, for many reasons. i walk towards the stairs trying to be quietly trying to hear the slightest bit of sound. cause his car is here so i know hes here. 

once i reach his room i put a smile on my face before opening the door. "happy annivers..." i say smiling but i can't even finish my sentence after i realize what im seeing. vinnie balls deep inside another girl. "y/n? shit-" he says pulling out of the girl and the girl looks confused. "you have a girlfriend?" she asks and he looks at her. "just get out!" he slightly yells and the girl gets dressed.

she storms out the room and i just stare at vinnie with tears running down my face, unable to think of what to say. "baby, i-" "on our anniversary? are you serious?" i ask throwing my hands up and he shakes his head. "this wasn't supposed to happen-" "i spent two years vin, two fucking years!" i yell and his face is covered in guilt. "fuck this.." i mumble as i leave the room and i wipe my tears.

"y/n! please don't leave me!" he begs as he follows me downstairs but i ignore him. "y/n i love you so much, please don't leave." he says trying not to break down as i touch the doorknob. "you don't love me vincent." i say turning around and he shakes his head. "i love you more than anything, i swear!" he says and i shake my head. "then why did you do this?" i ask and he opens his mouth but nothing comes out. 

"exactly-" "i can't make it up i swear." "no, you can't! and the fact that you promised. and- and you know my past and you still do this!" i yell and he runs his fingers through his hair. "i know i fucked up but i don't want her!" he says and i scoff. "i let you meet my whole family, my mom and dad trusted you, i trusted you! and you pull this? we're over vinnie. no second chance." i say slowly walking out the door and he starts crying even harder. the look on his face is devastating.  i quickly close the door behind me as i hear vinnies sobs making me cry even more. 

happy anniversary? more like heartbreak anniversary. 

a/n: there will be a part two

ugh i was going to get something 
to drink but my moms bf is here..
i mean hes cool asf but HES ALWAYS HERE

ugh, anyway, i love you !

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