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third person

another casual tiktoker party. people are drunk, tipsy, or just acting plain stupid. but y/n wasn't one of them.

she went with her boyfriend vinnie. the smoking hot and sexy tiktoker everyone likes, right? now, they're sitting in a circle with tons of other tiktokers playing truth or dare. a classic.

"thomas, truth or dare?" kio asks and he hesitates. "truth." thomas replies and kio sighs. "is it true you forced vinnie to join the hype house?" he asks, and everyone laughs.

"yes it's true." thomas rolls his eyes with a chuckle and vinnie puts a thumbs up. "nailea...truth or dare?" josh asks and she smiles. "dare!" she laughs and he smirks. "i dare you to cut a piece of your hair," he says and she gasps.

"my beautiful hair!" she laughs and dixie passes her a pair of scissors. she grabs a medium piece of her hair and snips off a little bit of it, but enough that it's a little noticeable.

everyone claps and laughs as she flips everyone off. "i'll be back guys!" y/n says and walks over to the kitchen and grabs herself a bottle of water and takes a sip before beginning to walk over to the group.

the way the group was formed, where y/n was sitting she had to walk behind vinnie so as she's walking back charli asks,

"vinnie, truth or dare?" she asks and he smiles proudly. "dare!" he says and she looks at y/n. "kiss the prettiest girl in the room right now!" she says and once y/n sits down, waiting for him to walk over to her,

vinnie leans over, kissing nailea.

the whole group gasps, including y/n. once vinnie sees she saw the whole thing his eyes widen. "bro that's so fucked up!" larray yells at vinnie, and tears from in y/n's eyes.

nailea was stunning. i mean what some would consider a perfect girl. y/n, she didn't have a model body or looked like nai. but she was beautiful, so she was confused why he kissed nai.

"what's wrong with you?" charli asks and y/n gets up. nai looks just as confused as y/n, which y/n understood as she knew it wasn't nai's fault.

"shit- y/n-" "i'm gonna get going," she says softly, wiping her tears before getting up and grabbing her phone off of the floor. a ton of the guys start yelling at vinnie as he gets up and follows y/n.

"let me explain!" he says but she keeps on walking. "there's nothing to explain," she says in a calm voice and walks outside.

inside, she wanted to go absolutely crazy. but, she knew that she didn't want to do that in front of all these people.

"why don't you go back inside with nai?" she asks, finally turning around right in front of her car. "y/ know i'm a little drunk-" "you're blaming it on you being drunk?" she yells and he takes a step back.

"you obviously think she's prettier. i know i'm not fucking perfect like how she is! i'm obviously not even your type cause i look nothing like her." she yells again as she feels herself losing it.

"you know what. you can have nai give you a ride home cause she obviously matters more!" she fake laughs and unlocks the door.

"you fucking betrayed me! after all, we went through!" she cries as she realizes what she has to do.

"we're over. we're done," she whispers and gets in the car. vinnie stands there as tears fall down his face and she drives off.

she drives as quickly as she can to get back to their place. once she does, she cries as she walks into their house and throws all her stuff down, taking off her shoes.

"what did i do wrong?" she asks herself as she walks into their room. she walks into their part of the closet and grabs all his clothes. she walks out of the closet, throwing his clothes on the floor and grabbing a suitcase.

she throws everything he has in multiple bags and suitcases and runs back down the stairs with all of them in her hands. she throws them on the living room floor and wipes her tears as she snatches the photos of them off of the wall.

she throws them on top of his stuff and she sees the front door open. vinnie walks in and she could tell he has been sobbing for the past few minutes.

when he sees all his stuff on the floor, he cries even more and she starts crying too. "you can move in with nai!" she throws her arms up and lets them fall back down.

"i fucking loved you! i still....i still do!" she screams and he runs his hands through his hair. "y/n please don't do this...i need you." he cries and sniffles.

"you don't need me. you need nailea cause she's obviously everything i'm not," she says and crosses her arms.

the love for vinnie isn't going to go away in one second. that's just not realistic. she knew it was going to take a while to get over him.

"so call whoever you need to take your shit and leave," she says in a calmer voice and walks away.

"don't you ever forget the way you betrayed me vincent."

a/n: laugh out loud!

i just realized there isn't a part two to heartbreak anniversary.

that will be the next update i completely forgot lol

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