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long smut, third person.

very talkative smut btw

fluff/happy stuff at the end

"we don't even text like that anymore. you're overreacting." y/n tells vinnie, who is losing his temper with her little by little. "i'm overreacting? really?" he chuckles and looks at her, turning around from the counter.

"yes really. god knows how many other bitches you have in your phone. but god forbid that i go and see him." she says in a sarcastic voice and he chuckles. "let me find out that you're fucking him again and i'm slapping the shit out of both of you." he says and y/n raises an eyebrow.

"really? hit me then." she says and his fists become clutched. "what...?" he hums and starts walking towards her. "you're really going to hit me? even though you are fucking like what, ten other girls?" she asks and puts her hands behind her back, looking up at him.

"shut the fuck up y/n." he growls and runs one hand down his face. "at least he can make me feel good," she says with a slight smirk on her face and he closes his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"upstairs. now." he orders and she shakes her head. "you're gonna have to make me cause i'm not your little pet anymore, bitch." she says and he immediately grabs her by the throat, pulling her close to him.

he's slightly squeezing her neck, making her grab his wrist and trying to take his hand off. "i said, upstairs. don't make me say it again." he whispers in her ear, letting her go. she takes a slight gasp for air before finally going up the stairs into their bedroom.

this has been going on for months now. argue, physical contact, angry sex. over and over again and they're both tired of it, but can't let each other go. even with all the marks they leave on each other, they both love each other in a weird way.

she goes in their bedroom, sitting on the bed and slightly touching her neck. she absolutely hated it when he would mark her up, especially the bruises. but she knew deep inside he actually still loved her. he just rarely shows it.

he walks into their bedroom and closes the door, looking at her. they stare at each other for a few seconds until he speaks up. "clothes, off." he says and she shakes her head. "oh?" he chuckles as he walks towards her and she backs up on the bed with a smirk.

it took everything in her not to rip off her clothes right then and there but today, she felt like putting up a fight with him.

he gets on top of her and starts tearing off her shirt, making her yell at him about how much it cost and how he needs to buy her a new one. "fuck you!" she yells at him and he tears her bra off.

"oh i'm gonna fuck you right now." he smirks and takes off all her bottoms. "you're an asshole vin." she mumbles and crosses her arms over her chest. "don't act like i haven't seen them before." he coos and starts taking off his shirt.

"god i fucking hate you." she spits at him and he pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue and nods. "keep saying that but you still haven't left me yet," he tells her as he spreads her legs and lays in between them.

"oh i've tried. you just won't let me and i'm going to keep trying-" she was getting ready to pop off on him until he starts rubbing two fingers on her clit, making her stop her talking and lets out a small moan.

she bites her lip, trying to hold back the loud moans that wanted to come out but she didn't want to let him hear how good he makes her feel. "don't hide those pretty moans baby." he teases and slowly inserts the two fingers into her.

she backs up from him and covers her mouth with her hand, muffling her moans as her back arches off of the bed. "you always are so damn disrespectful to me..." he sighs and starts pumping his fingers aggressively into her.

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