growing up together

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request from: sophia_malik2768 <3

fourteen years old:

"hey! i see you're new here." y/n smiles and sits next to vinnie at the lunch table. "uh...yeah?" he says shyly and she sighs. "well, i'm here to be your friend! the other people here are mean but i think you're pretty cool!" she smiles and takes a sip of her water.

"what's your name?" she asks. "vincent but you can call me vinnie cause we're friends now." he says and she nods. "my name is y/n. nice to meet you vinnie!" she smiles and he smirks as they make eye contact.

fifteen years old:

"vinnie just talk to her!" y/n laughs and pushes him slightly towards the girl a few feet away from them. "no! she's surrounded by her friends. i'm not embarrassing myself y/n!" he complains and turns around, facing her.

she looks up at him slightly and sighs. "you can't be scared anymore vin. you got this." she reassures him and he nods. "okay...i got this." he takes a deep breath in and starts walking towards the girl.

"why can't that be me...?"

sixteen years old:

"i'm not dancing." he mumbles and y/n whines loudly. "come on! just cause she didn't come doesn't mean we can't dance!" she yells over the music and vinnie looks at her with an upset look.

"it's the winter dance, let's go," she says and grabs his arm, pulling him up from the bleachers. he slowly trails behind him as she pulls him to the dance floor.

she faces him and wraps her arms around his neck and he puts his hands on her waist. "see look! the handsome boy knows what to do..." she smiles and he laughs a little at the name she gave him.

they slowly dance to the music, keeping eye contact the whole time.

eighteen years old:

"we're graduating vin! we're finally doing it!" y/n squeals and pulls down her dress and vinnie smiles. "i know! time flies by..." he says and looks at her. she rambles on about how excited she is but, all vinnie can do is admire her.

"you're so pretty..." vinnie says and his eyes widen after he realizes he thought out loud. "awh! thanks vin! you're so handsome." she smiles and hugs him tightly.

still in the friendzone...

nineteen years old:

"y/n stop i'm being serious." vinnie mumbles and she takes a deep breath from laughing. "okay okay. what is it?" she asks and continues to look at the field of followers in front of them.

"look. ever since we met, i've always thought you were pretty. like really pretty." he says and she nods. "which i always appreciate." she smiles. "and i just...i don't think i want to be just friends anymore." he says and she slowly turns around.

"i've tried dating many girls but they've always cheated or left...but you have always been there for me." he says and y/n smiles a little. "and even my parents love you so..." he sighs and grabs both of her hands.

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