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i'm back guys
short smut

marriage arguments. the one thing vinnie hated the most cause y/n was so good at ignoring him and pretending like he didn't exist every time they got into a disagreement. whether its about the kids or just basic things about the house, vinnie always finds a way to make her stop ignoring him.

now, y/n and vinnie are laying in the same bed but there's a huge space in the middle where they usually would be cuddling. she closes her eyes after letting out a loud sigh, trying to fall asleep but vinnies arm travels to her thigh and rubs it slowly.

"don't touch me." y/n mumbles and takes his hand, throwing it off her but he just scoots closer and plays with the hem of her underwear. "please stop ignoring me...i'll make it up to you." he whispers in her ear and kisses down her neck.

"how exactly?" she whispers back and he smirks against her skin. "just relax for me." he sighs and slowly runs two fingers over her clothed clit. she holds in her moans but her body jolts forward and he chuckles.

"vinnie..." she whimpers and his other hand plays with her breast through her thin bra and her eyes flutter shut as his hand slips under her panties and slowly rubs her clit. "v-vinnie...can you just know," she whines and he hums.

"can i what? use your words baby." he whispers and she grinds against his hands. "use your tongue on me please." she says and he chuckles. "anything you say. just don't wake up the kids." he smirks and she bites her lip as she lays on her back and gets out from under the covers.

he lays in between her legs and slowly takes off her panties and she puts her head back as vinnie softly kisses her thighs, all the way down to her heat. "vinnie please." she begs and he sighs. "this better make you stop ignoring me." he mumbles as he slowly licks her clit, making her cover her mouth as moans pour out of her mouth.

"oh fuck vinnie..." she moans as her fingers run through his hair and he spreads her legs wider, making her whimper. "i'll never get over how you taste." he groans as he goes faster with his tongue and her other hand slaps over her mouth as she tries not to scream his name.

she starts grinding against his face and he smirks as he looks up, seeing y/n in complete bliss. he slowly slides two fingers into her and y/n's legs start closing from the pleasure. "slow down vin...the-the kids!" she whimpers and he smirks.

"you just have to be quiet." he mumbles and starts thrusting his fingers in and out as a quick paste and she covers her mouth as her back arches as loud moans come out of her mouth and she takes her other hand and pushes his hand away from her.

he pulls out his hand and gives her a stern look. "i guess you don't want it then." he sighs and lays back down next to her and she whines. " no vinnie!" she straddles his lap and starts grinding on him.

"vinnie, please...i need you so badly..." she whispers in his ear and starts kissing his neck. "do whatever you want to please yourself." he mumbles and she pulls down his boxers. she slowly slides down on him and her head falls down at the pain and pleasure.

"mhm it's been so long, hasn't it?" he groans and she moans as she starts bouncing up and down on him. "oh my god-" she cries and he puts his hands on her hips, helping her bounce faster and he starts kissing her neck.

she moans loudly as he kisses her breast and he pulls away and covers her mouth with one hand. "do you want the kids to hear you?" he asks and she shakes her head. "then shut up." he groans and her legs start to shake from the amount of pleasure.

"you gonna cum all over my dick? yeah?" he chuckles and she nods, making him smirk. "vinnie! oh god!" she moans in his hand as her body stiffens and vinnie also cums inside of her as she rides out her high.

she gets off of him and lays down next to him, catching her breath. "you forgive me now?" he asks as he pulls his boxers back up and kisses her neck. " are forgiven." she smiles and cuddles close to him.

a/n: i'm back! sorry for the break, but for some reason
i have tests every week like????. cant even update on weekends cause i have dance competitions, but my last one is on sunday so after that i'll be updating more often!

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