
6.5K 70 8

dilf vinnie

breeding kink warning

"your daddy should be home in a few minutes okay?" y/n tells the twins who are sitting on the ground watching tv while playing with their toys. "okay!" one of them smiles and nods. y/n sits on the couch, also watching the tv show.

the door opens and the twins jump up and run to vinnie, hugging him. "hey y/n." he says and y/n waves and smiles at him. "i'll put them to sleep. you've done enough today." vinnie smiles and y/n thanks him as she gets her stuff together.

after he comes back down he sits down on the couch next to y/n, groaning. "how was work?" y/n asks and he shrugs. "boring." he chuckles, and y/n nods. "i should get going. have a good nig-" "you can stay a little longer." he cuts her off and she slowly sits back down next to him as he changes the channel.

y/n and vinnie got pretty...touchy...last time y/n babysat his kids. they ended up making out and vinnies hand just got a little too close before y/n freaked out and left quickly.

vinnie has his dress shirt slightly unbuttoned, showing his tattoos on his chest and he's manspreading. his hand goes onto y/n's bare thigh and slowly rubs it. "how's college going?" vinnie asks.

"it's good so far. things aren't as bad as i thought." y/n smiles at the way things are going and vinnie smiles too. "you have a boyfriend yet? or girlfriend?" vinnie asks and y/n shakes her head. "none of them seem like they know how to treat a girl." y/n mumbles and vinnie smirks.

"boys these days never know how to treat girls." vinnie shakes his head and y/n agrees. "do you know how to treat a girl?" y/n asks, looking up at him. "of course i do." he chuckles and y/n giggles. "and how exactly?" she ask again.

he smirks and pulls her closer to him. "treating her, entertaining her..." he sighs and leans into her ear. "pleasing her..." he whispers and his hands moves higher on her thigh. "oh?" y/n whispers and moves onto his lap fully.

"couldnt wait, huh?" he asks and puts his hands on her hips. she shakes her head and he kisses her neck. "is this how i'm getting payed?" she asks and he chuckles.

"oh baby, i want a little more than kissing." he smiles at her and y/n covers her face in embarrassment. "don't be embarrassed." vinnie laughs and puts his two fingers under y/n's chin and makes her look at him. "you wanna do a bit more than last time?" he asks and y/n nods frantically.

"then go upstairs in my room for me. get undressed and get in any position you like," he whispers in her ear, and y/n giggles and gets up, hurrying upstairs. vinnie fixes his embarrassingly hard boner and takes a few deep breaths.

he walks upstairs to his room and sees y/n sitting up on her elbows with her legs spread. "oh fuck..." he mumbles and y/n smiles at him. he takes off his shirt and lays down in between her legs. "you're so pretty..." he whispers and y/n raises an eyebrow.

"are you talking to me or my-" "both." he chuckles and runs a finger down her slit. she shudders under his touch and he makes eye contact with her. "you ready?" he asks and y/n nods and smiles a little.

he slowly starts licking and sucking on her swolen clit, making her gasp and throws her head back. "oh fuck.." y/n whines and runs one of her hands through his hair. "vinnie...oh god you're so good at this..." she moans and he groans as he grips onto her thighs.

he starts going faster with his tongue and y/n cries out his name and her legs start to close on his head but his hands are keeping them open. "v-vin! slow down!" y/n moans loudly and starts grinding her core against her face.

"oh fuck yes! oh god!" she covers her mouth with one hand as her back arches. "you're gonna wake up the kids baby." he chuckles and kisses her thighs lightly.

"wait- i know.." y/n whispers and she sees his smirk slowly forming. "you wanna cum on my tongue? yeah?" he asks and y/n whines, covering her face. "stop using such lewd words!" she giggles, and vinnie chuckles, shaking his head.

he spreads her legs a little more before going back in with his tongue. her hips jolt forward as she finally releases all over his tongue, moaning his name loudly. he pulls away and kisses her thigh before kissing her neck.

"i want you..." she whispers in his ear and he groans as he takes off his pants. she looks down at his size and she whines quietly. "you'll be able to take it." he smirks and kisses her lightly. "are you sure?" she asks in a whisper, looking up at him.

"i'm sure. you look so pretty for me." he whispers and slides his tip up and down her slit. she whimpers as he slowly slides into her and a tear falls down her cheek from the slight pain. "you're doing so good." he whispers, kissing her neck and she claws at his back as he starts thrusting.

she moans in his ear, making him go faster slightly. "vin- oh-" y/n gasps and he holds onto her waist. "faster please." she whispers and he raises an eyebrow, sitting up. "are you sure?" he asks and she nods.

he takes a deep breath before thrusting into her way faster than before, making her gasp and cry out his name. "you wanted it faster right? here you go." he groans as he grips her hips as he continues to pound into her.

"you look so pretty baby...gonna fill you up real good okay?" he says and slowly wraps his hand around her throat. "o-okay-" she whispers as she tries to keep her eyes open.

"v-vin it's too much.." she whines and he kisses her to quiet her down. "you can take it, just relax." he smirks against her lips as he somehow picks up his pace. "oh god!" she cries out and her back arches. he leans back and pushes her thighs against her chest, going even deeper.

"i-i can't-" she moans loudly as she feels her lower stomach feeling tighter. "oh fuck you're getting so- tight.." he groans and rubs her thigh. "cum with me can do it." he whispers and she cries out loudly as her eyes cross and her high hits her. vinnie thrusts a few more times, completely filling her up.

"oh shit..." he mumbles as he pulls out and slowly puts her legs down. "you okay?" he chuckles and rubs her thigh. "mhm.." she whines and vinnie bites back his laugh. "i didn't fuck you dumb did i?" he asks and lifts her up onto his lap.

she looks up at him lazily and smiles a little, laughing. he smiles and carries her to the bathroom so he can help her clean up. when they're done, he lays her down on the bed and lays next to her as she lays her head on his chest and throws her leg over him.

"can that be my new form of payment?" she smiles up at him and he nods. "anything for you baby." he says and kisses her forehead.

a/n: thank you sm for 300k reads! ❤️ sorry for any errors

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