gassed up

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imagine idea: @vinnieslutts
(i'll fix any mistakes up on monday)

"you ready for the gas?" y/n's dentist asks and she nods as the lady places the gas mask on her. "vinnie hold my hand." y/n says and vinnie grabs her hand with a smile and holds it to his chest. "you got this, okay?" he says and y/n nods before her eyes slowly close.


"vinnie!" she mumbles and smiles as much as she can with all of the cotton in her mouth. "hi y/n." he smiles and she laughs. "did you get hotter from last time?" she asks and vinnie blushes. "maybe." he chuckles and she smiles.

"she's all set. just replace the cotton whenever it gets too full with blood and no solid foods please." the doctor smiles and vinnie nods. "thank you ma'am!" y/n says and vinnie helps her up into the wheelchair.

"why can't i walk?" y/n whines and vinnie laughs. "cause you're drugged." he replies and she shrugs. "i've walked drugged before." she mumbles as he rolls her to the car and looks at her. "on three you stand, okay?" he asks and she nods.

he walks in front of her and starts counting. "" y/n stands up suddenly making vinnie curse and catch her before she falls. "i didn't finish saying three." he sighs and sits her in the passenger seat.

"you almost finished though." she smiles and he sighs as he closes the door and walks over to the driver's seat. he starts the car and y/n touches the cotton inside her mouth and whines. "this shit hurts." she mumbles and vinnie nods.

"i know. i can get you a frosty from wendys if you want?" he asks and she nods. "yes please!" she yells, making vinnie jump and y/n laughs at his reaction. "jesus y/n...please keep your voice down." he sighs and she giggles even more.

he pulls into the wendy's drive through and rolls down his window. "hi can i get a...which one?" he asks y/n quickly. "chocolate." she smiles. "a chocolate medium frosty and that's it." he says. "okay! you can pull up to the second window." the man speaks and vinnie nods.

"frosty time....frosty time..." she sings to herself and when vinnie gets it, y/n snatches it out of his hand and vinnie hands her a spoon after she takes the cotton out of her mouth. "thank you bae." she smiles as he drives off and he nods.

"i could slurp you like this." y/n thinks out loud as she looks at vinnie and his eyes widen and glaces at her. "excuse me?" he laughs and she chokes on her frosty. "did i say that out loud?" she asks and he laughs as he nods.

"you're so fine." she sighs and vinnie smiles. "thank you." he laughs and she smirks. "like every girl wants you but i think i want you way more." she runs her hand down his arm and he clenches his jaw. "i'm uh...i'm sure you do." he says and y/n whines.

"sometimes i get so needy just thinking about you at night." she looks at him when they reach a red light and he also looks at her. "y/n this for later okay?" he asks and she shakes her head.

"i'm like...high as hell right now so i might as well just say i want you to pound me right now is better then when im sober." she blurts out and he runs one hand down his face. "okay...that makes sense...but lets talk about this later okay? and make sure your frosty doesn't melt." he says and she nods. "okay!" she shouts and he rolls his eyes.

a/n: enjoy while i'm in florida!

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