dangerous hookup - random part

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i alr wrote the book but i don't wanna publish it anymore 

and very VERY imortant a/n at the end

grab a translator! and christian is @ christiandoii_ on tiktok

"y/n, i have someone for you to meet." vinnie tells y/n, who is laying on their bed, playing with her cat, mimi as her dog, nova sleeps on her legs. "really?" she smiles and slowly removes nova off of her legs before getting up.

"vinnie i don't need any help." she laughs as vinnie slowly helps her down the stairs and he shakes his head. "you said you were feeling lightheaded." he sighs and she scoffs. "i said that yesterday..." she gives him the side eye but can't help but smile at how careful he is.

"y/n, meet christian. he's one of my long time friends." vinnie says and christian stands up, putting his hand out. "hello beautiful." christian greets, making y/n blush and she shakes his hand.

"nice to meet you!" she smiles and they all sit down on the couch. christian's accent is much stronger than vinnies, making her have to listen harder to what he says in order to understand. "dove haii trovato questa bella singnora?" christian asks, and vinnie glares at him. "bar." vinnie replies, and christian nods his head.

"do you have any...sisters?" he asks and y/n shakes her head. "i'm an only child." she shrugs. "how's your wound?" he asks and y/n smiles. "it's getting better! it doesn't hurt as bad but it left a really ugly scar." she sighs and he frowns.

"you're still beautiful, love." he winks, and y/n giggles and thanks him. "fare marcia indietro. lei e mia." vinnie says and christian smiles. "spiacente. è solo una donna molto bella." christian replies and vinnie scoffs.

christian looks at his watch and sighs. "i have stuff to do." he says, getting up off of the couch. y/n also and give him a hug and he puts his hands a little too low down her body, making vinnie tense up on the couch, but he stays put.

"goodbye, beautiful." he kisses her hand before leaving. "he was so nice!" she smiles and walks over to vinnie, but her smile fades as she sees vinnie looking very angry. "what the fuck was that?" he shouts and y/n flinches a little and has a look of confusion on her face.

"what? what's the problem?" she asks and he runs his hand down his face. "the flirting? the whole blushing and giggling shit. that's what the fucking problem!" he yells and she frowns. "i wasn't flirting! he was just being nice so i thanked him!" she explains but vinnie doesn't listen, getting up and walking towards her.

"you were flirting. letting him kiss your fucking hand and letting him call you beautiful and shit." he grabs a bottle, and throws it across the room, shattering it. "i thought we weren't together? right?" she asks, crossing her arms.

"i thought we weren't together so you know, flirting with others won't matter right?" she yells and he chuckles. "using my own words against me huh?" he asks and she nods. "yes! you are being fucking dramatic! i was not flirting with him!" she shouts and he sighs.

y/n looks at vinnie, looking for any type of emotion or sorrow, but there's none in his eyes. "fuck you vinnie." she whispers, fighting the tears that are threatening to leave her eyes. "get out." he says, making y/n confused.

"what?" she asks. "i said, get out." he says, and finally, the tears fall. "you're kicking me out?" she cries and he nods. "go to one of your friend's houses. i don't want to see you for a while." he says calmly.

vinnie fights back the urge to take his words back. he hates seeing y/n cry more than anything. but he just doesn't want to see her right now. "what if..." she starts but she doesn't even want to think about it.

"fine." she says and grabs her phone off of the couch and walks towards the front door, putting on her shoes and then leaving, quietly crying. vinnie sits back down on the couch and runs one hand down his face. "what the fuck have i done..." he mumbles.


y/n sits on liya's couch, explaining to her what happened. "he fucking kicked you out over a man that flirted with you first?!" she asks and y/n nods, wiping her tears with a tissue. "what the fuck?" liya shouts and y/n cries even more.

"and after i just got fucking kidnapped! he told me he's never letting go of me again." she says and liya scoffs. "what a fucking bit-" she says but there's a knock at the door. "coming!" liya shouts and opens the door.

"hey." jacob smirks and liya gasps. "y/n!" liya shouts and y/n gets up and walks to the door. "jacob?!" she smiles and he walks in the house. "how are you?" he smiles and she hugs him tightly. he lifts her up and she wraps her legs around his waist.

"my god i forgot how much of a giant you are!" liya laughs and jacob smiles. "i got taller," he says and walks over to the couch, still holding y/n in his arms. he sits down with y/n on his lap and she smiles at him.

"so tell him what has happened these past few months or however long it has been." liya tells y/n and she rolls her eyes. she explains the whole thing and jacob looks at her in shock. "oh wow y/n." he chuckles and y/n looks away from him.

"yeah it's kind of weird telling my ex-boyfriend all of that." y/n giggles and he smirks.


the very important a/n:

so basically theres two owners of this account. theres owner 1 who actually writes the imagines and owner two who edits and fixes grammer. (owner 2 is typing this). i also write the a/n at the end the imagines and im more open to following yall on social media and having convos as im more open and not as shy as the 1st owner lol. we are good friends and they wanted me to finally tell yall! 

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