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its spring, so allergies. runny noses, itchy eyes, sore throat, headaches, and more. vinnie said hes coming back from the store with allergy medicine so im sitting in bed all snuggled up in a blanket watching stranger things, my comfort show. for what feels like the thousandth time today i grab a tissue and blow my nose and then toss the tissue in the garbage. it feels like its been so long since vinnie left the house even though he only left like six minutes ago.

i see vinnie walk through our bedroom door with a big bag and he has the biggest smile on his face. "hi baby!" he says putting the bag on the bed and i quickly grab it. "why is it so heavy?" i ask nervously and he laughs a little. i open the bag and i see a ton of my favorite snacks. and when i say a ton, i mean a TON.

"vincent cole hacker." i mumble as i take all of it out smiling and he scoots closer to me. "why do you always do this?" i ask and he shrugs his shoulders. "i love to spoil my baby." he says then kissing me on the cheek. "thank you vin, but you know, im not sick right? this will all be gone in a few hours." i say while opening one of the chocolates he gave me.

"i know, but next time this happens, you have snacks forever!" he says smiling and i can't help but smile back. "you should do this more often." i say and he rolls his eyes. "i'll do it sometimes." he says and he puts one hand on my forehead. "your getting better hm?" he asks and i nod. "see, all this candy made me feel better, that's why you should do it more often." i say and he sighs. "only if you will be a good girl for me." he says and i smile. "not right now vincent." i say and he snuggles close to me. "i know love, not lets watch this." he says and turns up the volume of the tv.

a/n: short one :)

definitely didn't write about allergies
cause mine were acting up today lol...

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