finally meeting

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y/n and vinnie have been dating for a year. but the whole time it was through a screen. it's been a very long year and they can't wait to see each other. 

but today is y/n's birthday and vinnie planned a surprise for her. he booked plane tickets a few weeks back and just landed in her state. he can help but have a huge smile on his face as he can't wait to surprise her.

y/n lives alone in her pretty big house for one person but she is very successful. she planned on video calling vinnie but every time she tried, he just didn't pick up which made her upset.

"why isn't he picking up? he should be up..." she complains and turns off her laptop. "and he does this on my birthday." she mumbles and slams her laptop shut. she walks down the stairs and quickly goes to the kitchen.

meanwhile, vinnie gets in the uber and gives the lady y/n's address, and he looks on his phone checking the time. now he has to get used to the time change.

his leg bounces up and down, placing his hand on his chin as he sees her house in the distance. "you're here!" the lady says in a cheery voice, and vinnie thanks her, paying her and then getting out of the car with his suitcases.

he walks up to her front door and puts his stuff down, taking a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

y/n hears the ringing and she groans loudly as she puts her water bottle down. she rubs her eyes as she walks towards the door, opening it. 

"hey, look im not interested in your little church thing-" she pauses when she opens her eyes and sees vinnie towering over her. "not interested huh?" he chuckles and she gasps. "stop..." she mumbles, covering her mouth as tears form.

"happy birthday my love." he smiles and she jumps in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as she cries softly. he holds her close and slightly rocks back and forth.

"baby?" he chuckles and puts her down. "when...? what...?" she slightly smiles as she puts her hands on his face. "okay you have to tell me when and how you decided to get here." she laughs and lets him inside the house.

he puts his stuff in the living room and immediately cuddles with y/n on the couch. "so, explain." she smiles and holds him tightly. "i bought the tickets a few weeks ago and i just didn't tell you." he says and she sighs.

"if i knew i would of cleaned up! i would of gotten us something to eat and i would of-" "your place looks perfectly fine." he smiles and kisses her forehead. 

"i can't believe the finest man on earth is really next to me right now..." she smiles and she becomes flustered. "oh please..." he chuckles and brings her closer to him. "so, what do you wanna do for your birthday?" he asks and she smirks.

"you." she says and he raises an eyebrow. "huh?" he laughs and she leans closer. "i want to do you for my birthday." she whispers in his ear and he immediately picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder and walks straight towards her bedroom...

a/n: definitely didn't write this cause i'm 
totally not talking to someone online rn

anyway, i can't get over woman and ain't
shit by doja cat. those songs are on REPEAT.

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