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"alright so we have a group of tiktok boys to do today." tati says as i clean up my vanity and i sigh. "which ones?" i ask and she clears her throat. "kio cyr,  jordan huxhold, vinnie hacker, baby j, anthony reeves, and troy zarbra." she says reading off of a list and my eyes widen at the number of people. "are you sure we can do all them? we've never done this many before." i ask sitting in my chair and she nods. "they're cool as hell, i think you'll like vinnie the most though." she says then winking and i roll my eyes. "yeah yeah." i mumble as i go on my phone, waiting for them to arrive.

"we're here!" i hear a man yell and i spring out of my chair and fix my shirt. "hey guys! this is y/n, she started working with me not too long ago." she says smiling then pointing to me. "hey." i wave with a small smile and they all say hi back. "okay so there is a lot of you so, vinnie is going to go with y/n, i'll take kio, then we will go from there." tati explains and they all nod. vinnie walks over to me and i smile as i pull out the vanity chair and he sits down. 

"so, apparently your going to be the popular kid..." i say as i get my products ready and i squint my eyes after i realized why tati chose vinnie as the popular kid. the boys are doing this high school photo shoot and each of them are a high school character. like a nerd, jock, bully, etc. "okay so what hairdo you want?" i ask leaning next to him in front of the mirror and his eyes shoot to my breast. "eyes up here." i say snapping at him, then standing upright and he turns red. 

"sorry...lets do a manbun." he says and i nod. "tell me if im hurting you." i mumble and he nods. i start spraying his hair with water and he scrunches his face and leans forward. "its not even touching your face vincent." i say laughing and he opens his eyes. "oh, sorry-" "you apologize way to much." i say and he sighs. "oh sorr-" "oh my god." i mumble and he laughs too. holy shit his smile is gorgeous. i mean he's gorgeous in general but damn that smile.

"put your head back please." i say as i comb his hair and he does so. "you have really nice hair." i tell him and he smiles. "thanks!" he says and i nod. from the corner of my eye, i see him staring into my soul. but i don't say anything cause he can stare all he wants to be honest. "so how long have you been doing this?" he asks and i clear my throat. "five months now." i say as i put his hair in the manbun and he nods. "okay, hair is done. now for clothes..." i say and he puts his head back up. 

"i'll be back." i say as i walk away towards the closet to pick out "popular kid clothes.". to be honest, what the hell do popular kids wear? jordans? hoodies and jeans? i don't know. at this point, im just grabbing anything i think he would wear cause i mean he is popular so it should work. i walk out of the closet and i see vinnie on his phone. "hey hacker, here are your clothes." i say walking over to him and he rolls his eyes. "its vinnie." he mumbles taking the clothes and i sigh. 

"can you take a joke?" i ask and he shrugs his shoulders. "whatever, now go get dressed." i say and he gets up and pushes past me. "asshole." i mumble as i walk over to the camera and start setting things up. "so, hows vinnie?" tati asks me and i sigh. "he can't take a joke, that's for sure." i say and she laughs. "well, he does like you so-" "huh?" i ask turning around facing her and she covers her mouth. "i didn't say anything... boys come over here please!" she says slowly and i cross my arms. 

"okay, everyone please find a seat on that bench," i say and they all start sitting down and posing. "one three, one! two! three!" i slightly yell and the camera clicks. "one more time..." i pause, messing with the camera. "one...two...three!" i say and the camera clicks again.

for the next few minutes, i finish all of their solo photos and a few last group ones. "alright! you guys are done! nice job." i smile before walking back to her makeup section and cleaning up. vinnie walks over and drops a piece of paper onto the chair. i quickly pick it up and read what it says.

'call me.." it says and it includes his number. i pull out my phone and i quickly type it in and add his contact...

this will be fun, for sure.

sorry it's been so long, i suck.

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