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third person!

"you made it!" vinnie smiles as y/n walks over to him as she fixes her skirt. "of course i did! this is beautiful." she gasps as she sees the plaid blanket laid out onto the grass, sweets, and heart-shaped sandwiches in a basket next to vinnie.

"you did all this?" she asks as she sits next to him and hugs him. "yeah..." he chuckles and she smiles. "why? you've been so busy." she asks and he shrugs.

"you need a break. you're working all the time and i miss you," he says and she thanks him. vinnie turns on his speaker and plays their favorite song. they both dig into the food, enjoying each other's sweet company.

they both make tiktoks together, take photos with each other and sing along to the songs. but all this just makes vinnies feelings for y/n grow even more. he loves her smile, her personality, the way she dresses, and the way she cares for him.

all of their friends know that vinnie is falling for her, badly. he's always checking on her, taking care of her more than himself. but he never had the guts to say anything until now. 

"vinnie you good?" she asks and he nods. "yeah, just thinking about purgatory stuff," he explains and she nods. "you sureee?" she asks and he nods again with a smile. "you always so worried about me." he laughs and she smiles.

"of course i am! i care about you." she sighs and puts her head on his shoulder. vinnie is fighting the urge to say "i love you" right now by biting his lip. "if you want to say something, you can say it." she says and he shakes his head.

"it's nothing serious," he says and she rolls her eyes. "why don't you tell me anything?" she whines and locks arms with him. "i tell you everything." he defends himself and she shakes her head.

"well, you aren't telling me what's on your mind right now," she says and he sighs, closing his eyes. she smirks and straddles his lap, and wraps her arms around his neck.

"can you tell me now?" she asks and his eyes widen as he sees the position she's in. "i- uh-" "vinnie..." she whines and throws her head back dramatically, but all vinnie can think about is lewd thoughts.

"please?" she begs and he gulps. "i like you." he says and she gasps. "that's it?" she asks and he shakes his head. "no y/n...i really like you. like i want you to be mine." he confesses and y/n smiles.

"well you're very lucky i feel the same way," she smirks and presses her lips on his. he smiles as he kisses her back and places his hands on her waist, moving them up and down. "thank god." he laughs as she pulls away and she kisses his forehead.

"now, let's clean this up and go back to my house. and maybe we can do something..." she smirks and he immediately starts cleaning up, making her giggle and smile.

a/n: sorry for the short chapter.

but in all seriousness, im about to start
defending myself in my comments. especially
the baby project. 

like some of yall be really mean...and i've stated 
multiple times, that story is really old. i had no
clue what i was doing as i was writing it and im 
much better at writing now.

so don't think im a mean person if you see me cuss
someone out, im just losing patience. 

alright, love yall. <3

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