mood swings

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periods, the worst time of the month for almost every woman. so that means terrible cramps, food cravings, mood swings, headaches, and you even have to be careful when you fucking sneeze. usually, men find periods nasty or weird. but thank god, vinnie doesn't find them nasty. hes always so caring and gentle when im on my period and will do anything to help me. which i am forever thankful for. 

"do you want anything to eat?" vinnie asks with a soft tone as he walks over to me and i shake my head. "im just cold." i say and he quickly takes off his hoodie and i smile. "here, i'll go grab some blankets!" he says putting the hoodie on me and i nod. he doesn't let me do anything, hes always doing stuff for me when im on my cycle. if my phone is across the table we will get up and get it for me with no hesitation. 

he comes back in the room with blankets and lays down next to me, putting the blankets over us. he turns on our favorite show and cuddles close to me. he holds the heating pad on my stomach, making my stomach feel better immediately. 

"vinnie." i say and he hums. "im hungry." i say and he raises an eyebrow. "i just asked you if you were hungry..." he mumbles and i frown. "im sorry..." i say and he kisses me forehead. "its fine. i'll be back with some fruit." he says ruffling my hair and i nod. i pull out my phone and scroll on it for a little.

 he comes back in with a plate full of my favorite fruits with a big smile on his face, making me smile. he lays back down next to me and puts the plate on my lap and i dig in. "you were really hungry hm?" he chuckles and i nod with my mouth stuffed with fruits.

"baby slow down you're gonna choke!" he says as i swallow my food and i smirk. "you know what i would rather suck on right now-" "alright that's enough!" he slightly yells with a smile on his face and i laugh. "sorry not sorry," i mumble before stuff my face with more fruit and he rolls his eyes. 

 twenty minutes later...

as we're watching the show, one of my favorite characters gets shot multiple times, making me gasp and i start crying, but quietly. "are you crying?" vinnie asks me with a concerning look and i nod. "who do they have to die like it's not fair how all the bad characters get to live and all the good one die..." i go on ranting about how upset i am to vinnie, but he starts laughing.

"baby look, they're alive," he says in a calm voice and points at the tv. i look at the tv and see them laying in a hospital bed, talking to someone. "oh!" i say as i wipe my tears and continue eating my food like i wasn't just crying. 

vinnie just keeps laughing and i smack the back of his head, hard. "ow! what was for?" he complains as he rubs the back of his head and i giggle. "no reason." i smirk as i lean on his shoulder and he sighs as he pulls me closer to him.

a/n: its been a while.
im just so tired lmfao

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