cat scratches

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vinnie calls y/n, upset with the stinging cut on his arms. she quickly picks up the phone and before she can even talk, he starts talking. "i'm dropping hera off at your house." he says and y/n rolls her eyes from the other end.

"why?" she asks. "she scratched me!" he says and shows her his arms. "why did she scratch you...?" she sighs. "i was playing with her and i guess she had too much catnip and she scratched me!" he complains and she laughs.

"you're such a baby..." she smiles and he gasps. "hey! don't be like that!" he rolls his eyes and flips the camera and shows hera. "look at her. sitting there like she just didn't abuse me." he shakes his head and y/n holds back her laughter.

"i'm bringing her pet stuff too-" "how long do you think she gonna stay at my place? you know i don't got time to take care of a damn cat." she says and he shrugs. "i don't know but i'll pick her up when i'm ready," he says and she sighs.

"i'm on my way," he says then hangs up the phone. he grabs a big duffle bag and puts all of her pet stuff in there including her food and food bowls. "i can't believe you hurt me hera." he sighs, shaking his head.

he puts her in her pet carrier and brings her and the bag to his car, putting her in the backseat. "i won't miss you like that either." he says and she meows back. "oh you want to talk back now?" he asks and hera meows again."so disrespectful." he shakes his head. he gets in the driver's seat and starts driving to her house.

once he gets there, he quickly gets out of the car and grabs hera and the duffle bag then walks over to her front door. he bangs the door with his knee and y/n quickly opens the door. "here you go!" he smiles, handing the stuff over to her.

"if i loose her that's not my fault." she says and he raises an eyebrow. "if you lose her you're buying me a new pc." he says and she rolls her eyes. "your arm looks fine," she says and he shakes his head.

"these scratches are painful!" he says and she shakes her head with a laugh. "i'll try my best to keep her safe and maybe not lose her." she says and he thanks her. "i love you!" he says walking away and she giggles. "i love you too." she sighs and walks back into her house.

she quickly sets up all of her pet care things and puts her toys scattered around the floor. she lets hera walk out of the cage and lets her explore a little. "your owner is a complete dumbass." she laughs, sitting back on her couch.

a/n: i was going to write a birthday
imagine for vinnies birthday but i was
tired so i didn't lmao

imagine idea/request from isabelleDaisykitty

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