ex-husband vinnie headcanons prt 2

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part two cause yall loved it so much

ex-husband vinnie - who mails gifts over to his ex wife's house as a way to convince her to come back cause he knows she loves being spoiled.

y/n walks out to get the mail and sees five packages sitting at her door. "i didn't order anything.." she whispers as she picks them up and walks back in the house, closing the door with her foot. she places them on the counter.

she grabs a pair of scissors and opens up the first one. she sees a bag from skims and it's the dress she's been wanting for a while. she sees a note and grabs it, opening it.

'i know you love dresses like this so i brought you one. the other boxes are stuff for both you and the kids. i know you love being spoiled so...i'm always here if you wanna come back baby.

- your hot baby daddy'

"oh god this man..." y/n laughs and puts the note to the side and opens up the other boxes.

ex-husband vinnie - who somehow finds out where y/n is at when she's out and is very quick to pull up and protect her from every creepy man that comes onto her.

"you wanna dance?" the man asks, putting his hand on y/n's waist. "no...sorry." y/n says, trying to pull away but the man grips more on her waist, making y/n look up at him with an angry look. "i said no! back the fuck off!" y/n shouts a little over the music.

"i would back off." vinnie whispers in the mans ear, pressing a gun to the man's back. "don't wanna have to get blood all over this floor..." vinnie sighs and clocks it, making the man quickly loosen his grip on y/n and he quickly runs out.

y/n sighs as she sees vinnie put his weapon away and he runs his fingers through his hair, moving it out of his face. "you okay?" he asks, stepping closer and she nods, looking up at him. "what are you doing here?" he asks.

"just out with some friends. i just wanted to dance but then that creep came." she frowns and takes a deep breath. "how did you even find out i was here?" she asks, crossing her arms. "don't worry about that." he smirks and y/n rolls her eyes.

"let's get back home to our babies, okay?" he asks and she nods as he puts out his hand and she holds it as they walk out.

ex-husband vinnie - who takes y/n out on dates all the time, doing exactly what he did many years ago to get her in the first place.

"get ready." vinnie says as he walks in y/n's house and the kids run up to him, making him smile. "what?" she asks, getting up from the couch and telling the kids to go to their room. "i can't see my babies?" he chuckles.

"you see them every weekend. why are you here?" she asks and crosses her arms. "get ready. we're going out." he smiles and y/n rolls her eyes. "where?" she asks, heading upstairs. "that new italian place down the street." he says and she nods, entering her room.

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