need to know

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last imagine for now😊😊

first person?

i'm at a party with the entire hype house and other popular influencers. i'm having a few drinks with liya and paige. "look at all of the boys on the dance floor." liya giggles and paige and i laugh at the way their dancing. "they can't dance for shit..." i laugh and they agree.

we end up joining them on the dance floor and jacob walks over to me and gives me a hug. "my favorite giant!" i smile up at him and he rolls his eyes with a smile. "my fav midget." he says and i scoff.

i look at vinnie across the room and he's giving me the death stare. "i'll see ya later." i smile at jacob and start walking towards vinnie. "i told you that dress was too short." he mumbles and i roll my eyes. "vinnie! it's not even that short-" "turn around." he says and i sigh and do what he says.

"i can see your ass just from sitting down." he says and i gasp and pull my dress down and i turn back to face him. "okay well not everyone is looking at my ass, unlike you." i say, crossing my arms and he smirks. "but jacob is looking at your ass right now-" "stop it vinnie!" i shout at him slightly over the music and he chuckles.

vinnie and i's tension started the day we would host pool parties at the hype house. i love to wear bikinis and he could never keep his eyes and hands off of me. we always get so close to doing something more than kissing but i always tease him by telling him to "wait." and he's so annoyed by it. and he doesn't want anyone else touching me but him.

"y/n! get here right now!" liya calls me onto the dance floor and once i recognize the song i quickly walk over there and clear my throat. liya and i start singing, of course cause it's doja cat's nastiest song and why not tease vinnie a bit.

our favorite part comes up and i turn around and look at vinnie with a smirk at i lipsying a very spicific part.

"spank me, slap me, choke me, bite me..." i mouth to him with a smirk and i see him let out a deep sigh and i quickly turn back around. sooner or later the song ends and as i'm about to grab another drink, vinnie pulls my wrist and drags me away to the bathroom.

he quickly locks the door once we're in there i sit on the counter. "what's your problem?" i ask and he steps in between my legs. "spank you, slap you, choke you, bite you...right?" he asks and i gulp at the tone of his voice. i look down at his crotch and i see the big bulge in his pants.

"you see what you do to me y/n?" he asks and i nod slowly. "vinnie i'm..." "y/n you tease me every fucking day..." he chuckles and slowly runs his hands up my bare thighs, his cold rings giving me chills.

"you know i don't mean too. you just get turned on easily." i say, leaning back and he smirks. "and you do too considering that at night i can hear you playing with yourslef and moaning my name." he chuckles and my heart sinks.

"w-what? i don't do that!" i say quickly and he sighs. "oh y/n...don't try to fool me." he smiles and his hands slowly go around my waist. "stop teasing me..." i beg and he raises an eyebrow. "stop teasing huh?" he asks and starts kissing my neck.

i run my fingers through his hair as i moan lightly as he starts sucking my sweet spot. "what do you want?" he asks and i scoff. "you know what i want vin." i mumble and he nods. "spread your legs." he tells me and i quickly spread them.

he reaches up my dress and starts pulling off my underwear and he starts pulling the straps of my dress off. "why are you going so slow?" i whine and he ignores me as he starts kissing down my chest.

i moan loudly and throw my head back as he pushes the rest of my dress up and spreads my legs even more. "oh fuck..." he groans and i bite my lip as he quickly pulls down his pants, and again, my heart drops.

how is that thing going

he runs his finger up my slit and i moan as he slowly rubs my clit. "'re soaked..." he mumbles and lines his tip up with my entrance. "vinnie!" i whimper as he fully slides into me, making the both of us gasp.

he starts thrusting into me quickly and my head falls back on the mirror as i moan his name loudly. "you feel so perfect around me..." he groans and grabs my throat and pulls my head up before smacking me across the face.

i gasp and he makes eye contact with me, smirking. i look down at him quickly sliding easily in and out of me, making me even more turned on. "w-what?" i ask as he pulls out of me but he flips me over and pushes my back down so the cold tile hits my chest, making me squeal.

"i want you to just watch yourself get fucked." he says as he slowly slides himself into me once again, my eyebrows furrow and my jaw falls open as he starts thrusting faster than last time. "oh- fuck vinnie!" i moan loudly as he pulls my hair and moves his hand down to my neck, slightly choking me.

he leans closer to me and slowly bites my shoulder and my eyes roll into the back of my head as i feel his teeth slowly sink into my skin. he pulls away and my eyes flutter shut as his thrusts become slower.

"fucking teasing me with all those dirty photos and videos you would send me in the middle of the day...then walking out your room like you werent fucking yourself in your room." he smirks and i roll my eyes at him.

"i don't- know what you're talking about." i struggle to say and he grabs his phone from the counter and unlocks it, still thrusting into me.

"what's all this huh?" he asks, showing me photos of the nudes i would send him on the daily. "why are you- doing this?" i ask and my head falls on the counter.

he pulls my hair and i see him recording us in the mirror and i back up onto him. "fucking whore..." he groans and i moan loudly as he tugs my hair again.

"vinnie! oh my- god!" i cry out and he puts his phone down and looks me dead in the eye. "cum all over my dick bitch." he says smacking my ass and i scream his name as my orgasm waves over my entire body.

he thrusts into my a few more times before releasing into me. we stay in that position for a minute and catch our breaths and vinnie slowly pulls out after a while.

"you okay y/n?" he asks and i slowly nod. he helps me stand up and get dressed then i help him get dressed. he kisses me slowly and i kiss him back with a smile on my face. "let's go." i smirk and he kisses my cheek as we leave the bathroom.

a/n: alr so i said that this book would be over before the next school year which technically it is now! but i'll update once in a blue moon :)

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