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age gap, size kink, corruption kink, y/n is small/tiny and if ur tall vinnie is just 6'10 idk

the first thing vinnie noticed was how small she was compared to him. her hands barely could hold his and she almost had to break her neck to look up at him. he loved it more than anything. he thought it was so cute the way she clung onto him in public spaces when there were too many people.

he also loved how innocent she was. obviously, she knew what sex and kinks are but never did anything kinky with people. she was very new to BDSM and anything like that. vinnie had to teach her which she always found embarrassing but vinnie thought it was the cutest thing.

y/n knew vinnie was much older than her. he was seventeen years older than her which isn't much compared to others, but he liked the feeling of having someone much younger. but sometimes y/n isn't used to vinnies temper and gets very upset when he's away from her due to his job.

she can get very bratty.

and very jealous.

vinnie comes home after working a long shift. he sees y/n on the couch in one of his shirts watching something on the tv. "i'm home baby." vinnie sighs and hangs his coat up and takes off his shoes. y/n ignores him and continues to watch tv.

"y/n?" he calls out and walks over. "why didn't you tell me you were working extra long?" y/n asks, looking at him with a frown. "it came up last minute. i didn't have time to text you cause-" 
"cause you were with whoever megan is?" y/n cuts him off and he sighs.

"she came by the house today asking for you. she was shocked to see me here" y/n says and vinnie rolls his eyes. "she's just a co-worker that used to work for me. i have paperwork for her and i told her to stop by." vinnie explains and y/n scoffs.

"vinnie she was in the tiniest top and the shortest skirt to ever exist. she obviously wanted to do something with you. like you two have hooked up in the past or something-" "we have. but it was only once-" vinnie can't even finish his sentence before y/n gets up immediately and starts walking away. 

she starts walking towards the stairs but vinnie follows behind her quickly before grabbing her arm. "stop it." he says and she tries to escape his grasp. "let me go!" she yells and starts thrashing around in his arms.

she ends up facing him and he grabs her hair, forcing her to look at him. "don't be a fucking brat today. i haven't slept with her in forever. so stop the fucking attitude." he whispers and y/n rolls her eyes. "just go fuck her again." y/n says and vinnie takes a deep breath before throwing her over his shoulder.

she screams and starts banging her hands on his back and kicking his chest but it's not doing anything to him. he walks in their bedroom and throws her on the bed and leans over her. he presses his lips against hers and she whines into the kiss loudly.

"how many times do i have to tell you i only want you." he asks, pulling away and he sees tears in her eyes. "don't be a bitch and cry now." he chuckles and smushes her cheeks together. "vinnie.." she whispers and pushes her body against his. 

"being slutty now? take off your clothes then." he smirks, leaning back and she mumbles something under her breath as she takes off the shirt, just showing that she has panties on. he gets off of the bed and looks at her then the floor. she gets up and kneels in front of him.

"such a pretty face..." he sighs as she starts unbuckling his belt and pulling down his pants and boxers. "too bad you have such a bratty mouth." he groans as he forces her mouth open and slides his length into her mouth.

he immediately starts thrusting his hips and she gags on his dick and finally lets the tears fall. "fucking bratty bitch." he moans and puts his hand on her head. she looks up at him with teary eyes and all he can do is laugh at her.

as soon as he gets close to cumming he pulls out of her mouth, making her cough and spit up. "shut the fuck up." he groans and lifts her up on the bed and spreads her legs. he basically rips off her panties and throws them to the side. he slides his tip up and down her slit, making her moan loudly.

"always so tight." he groans and thrusts into her all at once. she cries out and more tears fall from her eyes. "awh? my baby can't take me anymore?" he coos, mocking her as he starts thrusting aggressively. "vin! i'm s-sorry!" she moans and vinnie throws her legs over his shoulders. 

he wraps his hand around her throat and starts fucking her even faster. "sucking me in so well baby.." he whispers and smirks at y/n's face, being all fucked out. "i barely even started.." he fake pouts and she whines loudly.

she sobs and her eyes roll into the back of her head as he consistently slams into her g-spot. he pulls out quickly and lets go of her neck and she cries out as vinnie lies down next to her and pulls her on top of him.

"don't sit there and be fucking stupid." he says and her eyebrows furrow as she slowly sits on his still hard erection. "vinnie..." she whispers and puts her hands on his chest. he puts his hands on her waist and helps her ride him.

his head falls back and she moans his name loudly as he makes her pick up the pace. "you look so pretty baby." he smirks and puts his hand on her cheek. she leans into his hand and makes eye contact with him.

she starts going faster as best as she can and vinnie helps by thrusting up into her at the same pace. she gasps and her eyes roll back as he fucks up into her constantly. "you gonna cum baby? wanna take my babies yeah?" he asks as he plays with her nipples.

she nods franticly and she cries out loudly and tears fall as she finally cums around him and he thrusts into her once more before filling her with his load. she falls onto his chest and he rubs her head and kisses the top of her head.

"'m sorry..." she cries and holds onto him. "i know...i know..." he whispers and lifts her head up. "i only want're my baby." he smiles and she smiles back. "love you." she mumbles into his neck and he nods. "love you more."

vinnie also loves to make sure y/n knows she's so tiny compared to him. just little things like leaving tall cabinet doors open and putting things that were needed on a daily basis on tall shelves just so he always has to get them for her.

he also loves to just lift her up out of nowhere or always compares his body to hers, knowing it always gets on her nerves.

"vinnie! stop putting stuff on the tallest shelves!" y/n calls out and starts to climb on the counter. he comes around the corner and smirks down at her. he grabs her waist and lifts her up so she can grab what she needs. "thank you." she smiles as he puts her down after and she kisses his cheek.

"you look so pretty." he whispers, leaning down and kissing her neck. "i just woke up like...thirty minutes ago." she giggles and starts grabbing food out of the fridge. he takes two fingers and lifts up the shirt that reaches her mid-thighs which is obviously his.

he licks his lips and y/n rolls her eyes. "my favorite pair of panties." he whispers and as soon as y/n puts her things down,  he lifts her up and sits her on the counter. "let's go up to the room." he mumbles as he presses kisses onto her neck.

"no...i need to cook breakfast. i'm hungry.."  she whines and he puts his hands on her waist. "you're not that hungry." he chuckles and she nods. "i'm starving actually." she smiles and looks up at him with big eyes.

"i'll fill you right up baby..."

an: roman reigns is so yummy

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