just f*ck buddies.

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ahhh another smuttt
ignore spelling errors.

y/n closes her bottle of lotion as she gets a call from her favorite fuck buddy. "yes vinnie?" she asks as she picks up the phone and puts it on speaker. "y/n..." vinnie groans and y/n holds in a laugh as she puts on a bra.

"vinnie what do you need?" she asks and she hears another groan coming from the other end. "y/n i need you right now. so badly." vinnie says and she sighs. "how are you horny again?" she asks.

"i watched the tape we made." he says and she rolls her eyes. "don't roll your eyes at me, y/n." vinnie says deeply and her eyes widen. "i'll be there in ten." she says and he hums then hangs up.

"can't even enjoy myself after a shower without his horny ass calling me," she mumbles to herself as she puts on her bottom piece of lingerie and throws on an oversized hoodie. 

she brushes her teeth and slides on her crocs before grabbing her phone and keys, then leaving the house. 

and, she does a quick prayer for her legs.

she knocks on the door of vinnies house and in a blink of an eye, the door opens. she looks at up a little at vinnie and he's breathing heavily. "you took too long." he whispers, pulling her in and slamming the door behind her.

"sorry." she shrugs and he smirks as he pulls her in for a deep kiss. his hand slowly goes around her neck and she smiles a little as her arms wrap around his shoulders. 

"i can't wait any longer..." he groans as he lifts her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. he walks into his room and closes the door with his foot. 

he lays her on the bed and she smirks as she notices the led lights are dark red and he cups her cheek. "i just wanted to pleasure you tonight..." he admits and she smiles.

"oh really?" she asks and he nods as he kisses down her body, leaving a line of hickeys. "i couldn't get your pretty moans out of my head..." he whispers and she whimpers as he runs his fingers down her clothed slit.

"you're so wet..." he groans and pulls off the bottoms. he spreads her legs and gets himself comfortable between them. he looks up at her before slowly licking up her slit, making her moan and her chest rises.

he continues to make eye contact as he eats her out, making her legs close a little, and she runs her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. 

"vinnie..." she whispers and her head falls back onto the pillow. he hums, sending vibrations through her core and she moans loudly. 

she pulls him in closer, slowly riding his face and he smirks as he enjoys it. "oh fuck i'm close..." she whimpers and her legs tighten. 

she moans his name loudly as her back arches off of the bed and her body shakes as she releases and he chuckles as he doesn't stop.

"vinnie! it's too much!" she pleads and he mumbles something. "one more taste..." he mumbles and her eyes roll into the back of her head as the pleasure is too much for her. he pushes her legs open as they start to close around his head and she pulls on his hair.

" you're doing so well, just a little longer." vinnie says before slipping two fingers into her and she lets out a loud moan. once he starts thrusting his fingers she moans loudly as she releases on his fingers.

he pulls out his fingers and looks at her in her eyes as he licks his fingers off and hums. she whimpers and he slowly removes his boxers. he gets on top of her and kisses her passionately. he flips her on her back and pulls her hips up and she teases him by shaking her ass in his face.

he smacks her ass and she whimpers and puts her head on the pillows in front of her. "i'll never get over this view..." he mumbles as he places his hands on her hips and starts sliding into her. she grips the sheets and moans his name as he goes in all the way.

"relax baby." he whispers and he thrusts into her and she nods and looks back at him. "i'm trying-" she moans and he curses under his breath. all she can think about is their relationship and if they will ever become more than friends with benefits. 

he goes faster and he puts both of her hands behind her back and thrusts into her, making her cry out and he holds her wrist down. "vinnie fuck- i'm gonna cum.." she moans loudly and he nods. 

"that's it, cum for me baby you're doing so good." he praises and she moans his name along with a string of cuss words as she lets go and he slows down to help her ride out her high. he pulls out once he sees her legs shaking and she slowly lays down on the bed.

"go pee." he says as he puts on his boxers and she nods. "can you carry me?" she asks and he nods, picking her up and carrying her to the bathroom. he grabs an extra pair of underwear for her and when she finishes washing her hands he uses the bathroom also.

they end up back in the bed, snuggled close to each other but vinnie can tell something is up with y/n. "vinnie...why have we just been fuck buddies for so long?" she asks in a soft tone and he makes eye contact with her.

"i don't know..." he sighs and she frowns. "but i love you y/n." he confesses and she gasps. "i never thought that you would...ya know." she smiles and he kisses her hand. "i love you too," she whispers and she giggles as he pulls her on top of him and kisses her passionetly. 

a/n:  last imagine for a while cause next week is testing week... :(

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