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i knock on the big white doors that say "vincent hacker" on them and i take a deep breath as i get prepared for what im about to ask him. "come in." i hear his deep raspy voice say and my heart skips a beat as i walk in. i see him with his head down and papers are all over his desk. "Mr. hacker, i have a question." i say and he looks up at me. "take a seat." he says and i fix my dress as i sit down in the seat across from him. "so?" "i was wondering if i could have a raise..." i say and he looks at me confused.

"is what you're getting paid not enough?" he asks in a deep tone and i stop breathing for a second. "i- i didn't mean it like that sir-" "y/n, im dealing with a lot of shit right now, and im stresses out okay?" he says i bit calmer and i sigh. "would you like some help with that?" i ask leaning forward and his eyes shoot to my breast and he smirks. "go lock that door." he says sitting up and i quickly do what he says as he gets up.

"now get on your knees like the slut you are." he says seductively and i kneel down in front of him. i start unbuckling his belt and he lets out a shaky breath as i pull down his pants revealing the huge bulge in his boxers. i pull down his boxers and his cock-

(holy shit i hate that word.)

springs out and let me just say, he is not average. hes fucking huge. i wrap my hand around his cock and i put as much of him as i can into my mouth and he grabs a fist of my hair and starts slightly thrusting his hips forward as i start sucking and bobbing my head up and down. "f-fuck you're so good at this-" i grunts then he starts thrusting his hips faster making him hit the back of my throat as i gag making tears form in my eyes.

he throws his head back and his moans become louder so i know he's going to cum soon. "i want you to swallow all of my load, be a good girl." he says looking down at me and i nod before taking him deeper before i feel his load shoot down my throat and i pull away swallowing immediately. i open my mouth and stick out my tongue showing him giving innocent eyes and he bites his lip. i get back up and he grabs me by my throat. "im going to fucking destroy you." he says making me gulp then he smashes his lips into mine.

he bends me over the desk pushing the papers off the desk and he lifts my dress up. "what a view." he mumbles before smacking my ass making me whimper. i feel him take off my thong and he groans. "mhm, you're soaked." he says sliding his fingers down my wet folds making me moan a little. "stop teasing." i say and he scoffs. "hm, okay then." he says and there's a few seconds of silence.

i turn my head to look back but i feel him slam into me with no warning and i moan loudly but i cover my mouth so other people don't hear me. "what a tight little pussy, such a slut." he says gripping onto my waist pounding into me even harder making me almost scream. "s-slow down!" i moan, even though i kinda don't want him to. "you want that raise right?" he asks and i nod.

"y/n answer me." he says in a stern voice and i open my mouth but only loud moans come out. "y/n i swear to god i will fucking stop-" "yes sir!" i cry out and he hums in satisfaction. "you should help me with- stress more often hm?" he says and i look back at him like hes crazy. "yeah yeah, now shut up-and make me cum." i say and he chuckles. "toughie aren't you?" he asks and i roll my eyes.

"you wanted me to make you cum right? cum for me then slut." he says then he lays a smack on my ass even harder and i cry out. "f-fuck!" i whimper as i grip onto the table and my mouth drops open as i feel my legs shake as i feel my climax take over me. im assuming he came cause he pulled out and i almost fall to the ground before he sits me on the desk as i catch my breath.

he puts his pants back on and he walks in between my legs. "you okay?" he asks and i nod. he softly puts his lips on mine and pulls me close to him. "am i still getting that raise?" i ask and he smiles. "yes you are." he says then he kisses my forehead softly.

a/n: hey lol, didn't proofread.

if you know me, please don't look
at me differently after you read my smuts-

i saw a ninnie stan on tiktok SOBBING cause
they thought that they were drifting apart...

i shouldn't be laughing-

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