stripper star

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imagine request from xXashleyXx345 !!

part two coming soonnnn

vinnie owns a strip club in the most popular area in LA, but he never went inside himself. for the first time today he decides to see how it's running and maybe use up some of his extra money on the girls if they were good enough.

he walks into the club with his manager nessie and once the boss sees vinnie walk in, she panics and runs to the room where all the strippers get ready. "y/n and violet. you two have to go out right now. the owner is here." their boss orders and immediately walks out.

"the owner? the rich guy?" violet asks and y/n nods as she puts on her heels and quickly walks out of the dressing room. "breathe...just breathe..." y/n mumbles to herself as she steps on stage and the crowd goes wild.

money is already being thrown at her and she picks some up, stuffing it in her bra as she walks towards the pole. she smiles at the crowd as she climbs on the pole and does some basic tricks on it. 

violet walks on stage and they smile at each other before y/n looks in the crowd and she immediately sees vinnie. she can already tell he's the owner just by his body language. she winks at him before showing off her flexibility on the pole.

vinnie and nessie give each other a look before pulling out their wallet and pulling out a wad of cash before walking up to the stage. vinnie throws his cash and y/n and nessie throws his cash at violet.

y/n and violet look at each other once the music starts and picks up the money nervously. they wave at the crowd before walking off and going to the dressing room. "holy shit!" they both laugh once the door closes.

"the owner and his what...assistant just gave us like two thousand! plus all the other money." violet smiles as she puts the money in a bag. "now its time for lap dances..." they both sigh at the same time and laugh.

"good luck!" y/n smiles as she walks out. "you too!" violet calls out and y/n walks around the club. "how much for an hour?" vinnie asks as he suddenly walks up to her, making her jump a little. 

"for an hour?! i don't know...50 maybe?" she shrugs and he nods. "okay then, let's go." she smiles and grabs his hand, guiding him to the lap dance rooms.

when she pulls him into a room she tells him to sit down. "would you like the door locked?" she asks and he nods then she quickly locks the door. she walks behind him and the music gets louder as she starts running her hands down his chest, feeling his abs under his shirt.

she walks in front of him and turns around, moving her body smoothly in front of his face and he places his large hands on her waist, making her stop. "sir you cant touch us-" "i own this place. i can break my own rules." he cuts her off and turns her over and puts her on his lap.

"you caught my eye right're so pretty." he smirks at her as he plays with the clothes on her body which were always too small for her. "thank you..." she nervously giggles and his hands travel down her thighs.

"how much do you make a night?" he asks and she hums. "the most two thousand on a busy night. but mostly one thousand fifty." she says and he nods. "i'll pay you extra if you let me have some fun with you." he whispers in her ear and she whimpers as he presses her onto his erection.

"sir-" "it's vinnie. just take your bottoms off for me." he says, letting her go and she stands up, slowly taking off her pants. "go over to that couch and bend over." he says and she slowly walks over to the couch and bending over.

"don't make too much noise." he says as he takes off his pants and runs two fingers down her slit, making her moan softly and takes a deep breath. "you're so wet." he chuckles and pumps himself a few times before grabbing her hips and slowly sliding into her.

"vinnie- oh fuck..." she moans as he slowly starts thrusting and she grips onto the couch. he smirks as her moans get louder and louder every thrust and vinnie pulls her hair, making her look up at him. "you might want to keep quiet before i stop right now." he threatens and lets go of her hair.

"i- i can't vin-" she whines and he pulls out, making her almost fall onto the floor. she sits on the couch and puts her bottoms back on. he slides his pants back on and vinnie hands her another stack of cash with a card in it.

"call me after your shift." 

a/n: slayyyyy

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