the other woman

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very short...

"vinnie we can't keep doing this..." y/n sighs and puts her bra back on as vinnie puts his boxers back on. "what do you mean?" he asks and she rolls her eyes. "vinnie you have a girlfriend and...i don't want to keep falling in love with you when i'm not know." she says and he raises an eyebrow.

"what? what are you...not even?" he mumbles and she scoffs. "i'm not your number one choice. i don't want to fall in love with a man who doesn't love me back-" "i don't love you back? really?" he cuts her off and she puts her face in her hands.

"just cause i have a girlfriend doesn't mean i can't love you," he says and y/n feels herself getting angrier and angrier. "and i dont understand why you're upset...out of all people if my girlfriend found out she's the one that should be broken-"

"she's not being fucking used vinnie! she's not the second option! you cant fucking compare us when no matter what you always go back to her." she yells and he sighs as he sees tears forming in her eyes.

"being the other woman isn't fucking fun vin. it's not," she whispers and she wipes her tears as he turns around and looks in the mirror. "i cry myself to sleep all the fucking time just thinking about you cause i know you don't care." she says and he runs his fingers through his hair as he takes a deep breath.

"you have to be patient with me baby. i know how much you want us to be official and trust me, i do too. but it's going to take time." he explains and she makes eye contact with him as he sits next to her on the bed.

"i love you, okay? i promise." he whispers and wipes her tears and kisses her as he holds her face close to his. "i...i love you too vin." she smiles a little and he holds her in his arms.

a/n: i thought of this so last minute so ofc i wrote it for yall. i wasn't gonna publish but i love yall so here :D

i love lana del ray. like...i love her.

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