ex-husband vinnie headcanons

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ex-husband vinnie - who's always stopping by at his ex-wife's house. he says he's there to, "see the kids." but he's really there for his previous lover. 

"vinnie why are you here?" y/n asks as she opens the door with a sigh. "to see my babies." he smiles, looking down at her and she can't help but smile a little as she lets him in. "daddy's here!" y/n calls out and they walk over to the living room. "you just wanted to see me." y/n says and vinnie chuckles.

"you know it baby." he whispers, kissing the top of her head.

ex-husband vinnie - who comes over slightly drunk at night, wanting to be with his ex-wife the most. he's always getting told to, "stop coming here." but he never listens, knowing the place he's not supposed to be, is where he feels safest.

y/n looks over at her nightstand and sees vinnie is calling her. it's almost 11 at night so what could he want? she picks up the phone, rolling her eyes and sighing. "yes?" she asks and she hears heavy breathing on the other side. "open the door." he mumbles and y/n's eyes widen. "are you drunk-" "baby please..." he whispers and y/n hangs up the call, getting up and heading downstairs.

she opens the door and sees vinnie looking down at her with his cheeks slightly red and he's holding a beer bottle. "come in." she says and steps to the side. he throws the bottle out and immediately heads up to the upstairs bathroom. y/n checks on the kids to see if they're still sleeping and when she goes back in the bedroom, he's laying down, looking much fresher.

"you need to stop driving drunk." she sighs as she lays down next to him and he quickly cuddles up next to her. "yeah yeah..." he rolls his eyes and y/n sits up. "i'm serious vin-" her words are interrupted as he pulls her in for a kiss. she pulls away, flustered and vinnie smirks at her. 

"i know...now let's just sleep please."

ex-husband vinnie - who when he's with his wife and kids in public, he always has his hands on y/n's back, or around her waist, while holding their children's hand, showing any man who looks her way that she's his and that they are a happy family. even if he and y/n aren't together anymore.

"we need to go to that store next." y/n says, pointing to the store she's thinking of. vinnie nods and slowly wraps one arm around y/n's waist and keeping his kids close to him. y/n looks up at vinnie slightly, side-eyeing him. "there was someone staring at you." he mumbles, and y/n giggles. "someone or a man?" she asks and he rolls his eyes. 

"let's just go.."

ex-husband vinnie- who always promised himself he would stop sleeping with his ex-wife, but never kept his promise knowing that no matter what, she would always be on his mind. they thought it would be good for them to stop but most nights, they always end up with their clothes off.

"v-vinnie wait-" y/n gasps as vinnie kisses on her neck and he pauses, looking down at her. "this isn't good for us." she whispers and vinnie sighs. "i know baby but..." he whispers in her ear then slowly sliding his erection into her. "oh vinnie!" she moans and he kisses her aggressively, keeping her quiet.

"i don't care if its not good for us...i need you baby."

ex-husband vinnie- who comes to y/n's house, all beat up and bruised with cuts all over him after doing a dangerous part of his job. he always declines treatment from y/n until he sees the tears in her eyes at the state of his condition.

vinnie knocks on y/n's bedroom door, hunched over and tired beyond belief after his shift at work. y/n opens the door, rubbing her eyes until she sees vinnie and his state. "oh my god!" she gasps and pulls him in her room. he sits on her bed and she quickly grabs a first aid kit from the bathroom.

"i don't need that-" "shut up." she sighs and grabs the alcohol pads and band-aids. he takes off his shirt and y/n starts patching him up. "you need to stop taking the dangerous missions." y/n says sternly, looking up at him. he shakes his head, not looking at her as he knows she'll start crying.

"vinnie please." she begs once shes finished and he finally looks at her, seeing the tears in his eyes. "we can't loose you like this." she whispers and he pulls her in his arms. "i'm not going anywhere." he says, kissing her forehead lightly.

ex-husband vinnie - who always tries to seduce y/n into confessing her love for him. he always tries to convince her she's still in love which he'll someday get the answer to.

"i love youuu." vinnie smiles as he pulls her in for a kiss. "you're here to pick up the kids, not make out with me." she giggles and she puts her hands on his shoulders. "c'mon now baby. you know you love me." he chuckles and y/n rolls her eyes. 

"they go and pack their stuff for ten minutes and you can't keep your hands off of me." she smiles and he nods. "how could i? you're so sexy." he mumbles, kissing her neck and she lightly moans, running her fingers through his hair.

he pulls her in for another kiss but it's deeper and more meaningful than the quick ones they usually do. "i love you." he smiles, making eye contact with her and she looks away from him. "say it back...but you have to mean it." he sighs and his hands fall down to her waist.

"i love you too vinnie."

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