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relationship status: married.
baby's name: clementine/clem.

i looked up rare baby names lol

y/n's pov:

i wake up to the sun beaming through the open window with the cool breeze hitting my face. i turn around expecting to see my husband there, but he isn't. "vin?" i quietly say as i sit up and rub my eyes. i smell food downstairs and i assume that hes making breakfast. put on my slippers and i walk out of our bedroom and look down the railing.

i see vinnie holding clementine on his hip in front of the stove cooking something. a small smile grows on my lips as i walk downstairs quietly and vinnie starts playing music. he starts playing just the two of us by bill withers and he starts singing, beautifully. "mama!" clementine shouts and she reaches her arms out as i get closer to her. vinnie stops cooking and gives clem to me and i kiss him. "good morning baby." i say bouncing clem up and down and he smiles. "good morning baby, i have to go buy groceries and other stuff later." he says plating me some food and i nod. 

"okay, i have to clean around the house too." i say sitting clem in her high chair and giving her some applause. "i can do that too if you want." he says and i shake my head. "i can do it-" "you do a lot already my love." he says sitting down with his plate and i giggle. "you go out almost every day." i say sitting next to him and he shrugs his shoulders. "anything to help." he says before taking a bite of his eggs and i smile.

"im done mama!" clem says and i get up quickly and walk over to her, taking her out of the highchair. "im a big girl!" she says with the cutest smile on her face and i giggle. "yes you are." i say as i take vinnie and i's plate and put them in the sink, then i turn on the water. vinnie gets up and picks up clem and starts dancing with her in his arms. he comes up behind me and starts kissing my neck.

"vinnie-" i mumble as i wash the dishes and he chuckles. "okay i'll stop bothering you and actually get going." he says and i nod. "i'll be back soon." he says before kissing me on the cheek and smacks my ass. "ahh! vincent!" i playfully shout and he winks. what a flirt he is...

vinnies pov:
twenty minutes later...

as im walking in the aisle, a ton of girls keep staring at me and winking. im not going to pretend that im not attractive but its kind of annoying when everyone is staring at me. "where are these cheetos?" i mumble as i look through the chip shelves and feel someone's eyes on me. "excuse me, are you single?" this random lady asks and i shake my head. "no, im married." i say and i put my hand up, showing her my ring. "oh, sorry." she mumbled as her face turns red. i roll my eyes as i put the cheetos in the cart and i walk over to the register.

"hello sir." the lady says seductively and i give her a small smile. "sooo, do you have a girlfri-" "im married." i say cutting her off annoyed. "where is she?" she asks as she checks out my items and i sigh. "she's at home with our daughter." i say and her eyes widen. "you know, she doesn't have to know." she says twisting her hair and i roll my eyes as i put the bags in the cart. "no, im a faithful husband and i love my child. and you're not even my type." i say making her jaw drop and i give her a fake smile as i walk away. 

y/n's pov:

"im home!" i hear vinnie say walking through the door with grocery bags and i smile. "hi baby! how was it?" i ask and he sighs. "people looking at me, two asked if i was single. and after i told one of them i was married, they were like "she doesn't have to know." like no thanks." he rants and i giggle at how annoyed he is. "well, what did you say?" i ask and he looks at me like im crazy. "obviously i declined." he says and i roll my eyes. "i know vin, i mean like what did you say after she said that?" "oh, i said "no, im a faithful husband and i love my child. and your not even my type." and her reaction was priceless!" he says laughing and i kiss him. "ugh, i love you so much." i say hugging him and he rubs my back. "i love you too baby." he says kissing the top of my head.

a/n: im going to do more of 
these family ones cause i like 
writing themmm

i feel like this is what would happen
if vinnie ever got married lol

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