birthday boy

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kind of like the 'drunk vinnie' part but not really cause he isn't drunk lol

as y/n is cooking breakfast for the two, vinnie finishes doing his morning routine and smiles as he sees y/n listening to music. he walks down the stairs and sneaks up behind her and taps her shoulder.

she squeals as she quickly turns around and sighs once she sees vinnie there. "good morning birthday boy." she smiles and kisses him quickly before focusing back on the food. he wraps his arms around her and starts rocking back and forth to the music.

"they're throwing a party for me." vinnie tells y/n and she frowns. "but i thought you wanted to spend your birthday with me?" she asks and he presses his lips together. "i didn't know until this morning baby," he says and she doesn't respond.

"okay." she sighs and starts plating the food. he notices that there's only one plate and he raises an eyebrow. "okay so here's your breakfast." she smiles and gives him the plate. "what about yours?" he asks.

"that doesn't matter right now." she says and he slowly takes the plate from her. "what time is the party?" she asks. "starts at eight," he says and starts eating his food. "okay! let me just go cancel everything i planned for us today..." she says and he opens his mouth to say something but she's already walking up the stairs.

as vinnie feels terrible. meanwhile, y/n seems to not even care. it's almost like she knew that he would have other plans and couldn't spend time with her. she decided to stay home instead of going to the party cause she was never much of a party person.

she walks back downstairs after she cancels everything and sees vinnie washing the dishes. "i'm staying home from the party." she says and he looks behind him with a shocked expression. "i don't want to be around your friends." she says in a calm tone and sits on the couch.

after he dries off he sits next to her and pulls her onto his lap. "i'm sorry." he says and she shrugs. "it's your birthday! you can do what you want." she says with a small smile and he nods. "you're finally nineteen!" she smiles and kisses his forehead.

"i'm more excited for your birthday than mine!" she giggles and he smiles. "why are you so excited?" he asks and she shrugs. "i don't know. i'm just happy to see the love of my life happy." she says and he smirks.

"don't talk like that or else we might have to take this somewhere else..." he says and she rolls her eyes. "no. it's too early for that." she sighs and lays on his chest. "i love you." he whispers. "i love you too vin." she whispers back and kisses his cheek.

a few hours later...

"be safe vinnie," she says with a serious look on her face and he nods. "i'm being serious! and all those people i don't know what could happen too-" "it will be okay baby. i'll call you if i need anything." he reassures her and she nods slightly.

he quickly leaves the house, leaving y/n in the house all alone for probably the next five hours or more. she lets out a loud sigh before laying down on the couch. all she wanted to do was spend time with him today and make his birthday special but of course, he's busy.

almost six hours later, y/n gets a phone call from thomas and she already knows something happened with vinnie. she quickly picks up the phone, putting it to her ear. "yes?" she mumbles. 

"vinnie said he wants you to come pick him up." thomas yells over the music and y/n sighs. "why?" she asks. "i don't know but he's crying to just come pick him up." he says then hangs up the phone.

y/n groans as she gets up off of the couch and slides on her crocs, grabbing her keys and heading out of the house. the whole time she's trying to figure out why he is upset. maybe he got too drunk? maybe he hurt himself?

once she gets there, she quickly walks into the building and loud music fills her ears and she looks around for vinnie. she sees him sitting on the couch with his face in his hands and she quickly walks over to him.

"vinnie." she calls out and he immediately looks up. she watches him start crying again as he quickly walks over to her and hugs her. "alright let's go home-" "i'm sorryyy." he cries and she rolls her eyes.

"let's go." she says, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the building. "why are you crying?" she asks and he sniffles. "i thought about how you canceled stuff you had planned for us cause i  wanted to go to this stupid party," he explains and y/n holds back her laughter.

"i shouldn't of just spent the day with you..." he sniffles and she helps him in the passenger seat slowly. "it's okay vinnie," she says and kisses his forehead before closing the door and walking to the other side.

when she gets in the car, vinnie looks at her and smirks. "birthday sex." he says and y/n gives him the side-eye. "you're lucky you aren't drunk." she says and he smiles.

a few seconds go by and y/n turns on the car and looks over at vinnie whos looking down. "i'm already hard." he admits and she groans and rolls her eyes.

"can i get head-" 

"vinnie can you not!"

a/n: enjoy this draft i wrote on his birthday and i never published until now!

follow my tiktok if you want lol

10-18-21 : just fixed some things i didn't like

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