mary on a cross

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(just something to publish since its been a while)

"but through all of the sorrow, we've been riding high..."

"and the truth of the matter is i'd never let you go, let you go..."




"y/n i seriously have no clue what you're talking about." vinnie sighs and y/n's eyes widen. "vinnie you've been coming home at two in the morning! how is that not supposed to make me overthink?" she asks him and vinnie shakes his head.

"it's not what you think. you know i work late." he says and runs his fingers through his hair. "you get off of work at ten." she scoffs and vinnie bites the inside of his cheek. "if you're fucking some other bitch you can get out of my house." y/n says and vinnie watches her grab a suitcase from the closet.

he grabs the suitcase and she shouts at him to let it go. "you're reaching y/n! i'm not fucking anyone else." he defends himself and he sees tears forming in y/n's eyes. "you're lying to me! there's no reason why you shouldn't be in bed with me by eleven. you dont even stay after work!" she shouts and snatches the suitcase out of his hands.

"y/n...i-" "why are you always coming home late? i know there's someone else. just tell me the truth." she whispers and vinnie takes a step back. "i've.... just been drinking after work with friends." he admits and y/n's face softens.

"drinking?" she asks and vinnie nods, looking away from home. "and you're driving back drunk? are you crazy?" she asks and puts the suitcase back.

he sighs and sits down on the bed, putting his head in his hands. "vinnie you can't become an's not safe!" she slightly raises her voice, trying to get her point across.

"i'm sorry baby...i really am..." he whispers and y/n just looks at him with disbelief. "vinnie do you know how fast you can get addicted?" y/n asks and vinnie nods. "it's just a lot of stress and you know that." he looks up at her and she scoffs.

"stress from what? you acting like i don't exist every night? you come home and straight up ignore me! you're always on your phone and never paying attention to me!" she shouts and tears form in her eyes again.

he frowns at her lashing out and sighs. "i don't mean to start arguments and ignore you all the time. i don't know whats going on with me-" "well you need to fucking fix it." she says and crosses her arms.

"it's like you're gonna leave me!" she says, finally letting the tears fall and he immediately shakes his head, getting up. he slowly wraps his arms around her and she cries into his chest.

"i'd never let you go."

a/n: obsessed with this song & the band in general. stan ghost. and no christians come after me in the comments. i don't wanna hear the "its a satanic band" like yeah thats the whole point...

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