me or her (part two)

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two weeks later...

i miss vinnie, i miss hanging out with him every day and having a blast. but hes busy with emily. he hasent called or texted me, besides the day i cut off our friendship, he hasent posted anything since i cut things off. and i know hes struggling, as he should. he chose her and now he only has her.

i hear my phone ringing and i grab it, then reading the name. "vinnie?" i mumble as i pick up the phone and i put it to my ear. "y/n, please come over. i need you." he begs and i furrow my eyebrows. "what happened?" i ask putting on some shoes and i hear him crying. "she c-cheated." he says and i gasp. "im coming over, don't move." i say then i quickly hang up.

did she cheat? now that i was not expecting at all. that was the last thing i wanted to happen to him. he sounded so broken, and im worried. mostly, im scared of what im going to walk into when i arrive at his house. 

time skip... cause yeah.

i pull into his driveway and i notice his parents aren't home, neither is reggie's car, i quickly walk up to the door and twist the doorknob, and luckily, its unlocked. "vinnie!" i yell closing the door behind me but i get no response. i walk upstairs to his room and i knock. "vinnie its y/n." i say and i hear shuffling from the other side of the door and i see the knob turn then the door opens. 

"vinnie..." i mumble as i look at him at his current state. his eyes are red and puffy, dark circles under his eyes, his cheeks are stained with tears and he looks pale. "i trusted her-" he says crying and i close the door behind me and i hug him. "im sorry, im so so sorry." he mumbles and i wipe his tears. "let's go lay down, and you can explain to me what happened." i say and he nods. 

i sit down on the bed with my back resting on the headboard and vinnie does the same. "so, what happened?" i ask, and he sniffles. "i was walking in her room and she was fucking another guy." he says and he starts crying again. "oh my god-" "i don't know why i chose her, i regretted it so much after you left." he says rubbing his eye and i look down. i notice he still has his bracelet on, and hes wearing mine.  

"you kept it?" i asked him and he nods. "it was the only thing i had of you left." he says and holy shit those words hit me. i look around his room and i see an empty bottle of vodka and i snap my head towards vinnie. "were you drinking?" i ask and he nods. "vinnie what the fu-" "that was from a few days ago, i stopped." "that doesn't matter vinnie!" i say and he looks down. "vinnie you can easily get addicted." i say and he nods.

"im sorry. every day i feel like shit after i chose emily. i wasn't thinking about your feelings at all. and i really lik-" he says but he stops mid-sentence. "what?" i ask and he shakes his head. "nevermind, its nothing." "no vinnie its something. tell me." i say holding his hand and he shakes his head. "vinnie, you can tell me anything." i say shaking his hands. "but this is different." he says and i sigh. 

"why don't you just tell me-" "cause im fucking in love with you!" he blurts out and my jaw drops. "see, i knew i shouldn't have told you." he says and he starts crying again. "vinnie, we-" "i feel like a dumbass. you should just leave cause-" before he can finish his sentence i smash my lips into his and he tenses up for a second before kissing me back. 

"now shut up and let me talk." i say laughing at the look on his face. "i was going to say, i feel the same way." i say and he turns red. "wait really?" he asks smiling and i nod. "i thought i wasn't your type.." he says and i raise an eyebrow. "vinnie look at you, your everyone's type." i say and he smiles even bigger. "im just so happy you feel the same way." he says before kissing me again and i smile as i deepen the kiss and he pulls away. 

"can you just be mine?" he asks and i giggle. "of course." i say and he hugs me tightly. "wanna cuddle?" he asks and i nod. 

a/n: hey lol, im writing some
"sad" stuff later cause...yeah.

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