"it's obvious."

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vinnie lays in between y/n's legs on the couch as they watch tv together in the living room. vinnie rubs her thighs slowly as y/n plays with his hair.

"vinnie, y/n." thomas says, walking over with a camera with alex. "yes?" vinnie asks and they sit across from y/n and vinnie. "genuine question, did you guys have sex." alex asks and y/n's eyes widen and vinnie gulps.

"what kind of question is that?" y/n asks and vinnie groans quietly as she continues to scratch his scalp. "well, considering the marks on y'all necks, we figured we would ask," thomas says, and y/n sighs.

"no! we never slept with each other..." vinnie says and y/n nods.

that was a damn lie.

"are you sure-" "we wouldn't lie about that." y/n says and vinnie shivers at the tone of her voice. "okay then." alex sighs then both him and thomas get up and continue vlogging like the entire conversation didn't happen.

"we're great liers." vinnie whispers and flips over so he's laying on her stomach and facing her. "yeah, good at saying you totally didn't make me almost pass out last night." y/n smirks and vinnie rolls his eyes.

"not my fault you couldn't take it." he mumbles and kisses her, wrapping one hand around her throat. "vin! not in the living room." y/n whines and takes his hand off. "well, i want you now y/n..." vinnie groans and runs his hand down her waist.

"so horny all the time..." she mumbles and he sighs. "of course i am whenever i remember how good you feel around me every night..." he says and she whimpers as he kisses down her neck.

"now you're making it obvious," she says and runs her fingers through his hair. "that's the point," he says. y/n rolls her eyes and looks back at the tv as vinnie continues to touch her body. he kisses down her exposed neck and looks up at her.

she tries her best to ignore vinnie by biting the inside of her cheek and he kisses the inside of her thighs and pushes her shorts up, kissing higher. "vinnie!" she whispers and she sees thomas walking over with the camera. 

"get a room yall... now its obvious yall had sex." thomas shakes his head and then walks away. "hey! dont assume like that!" y/n calls out to him and kicks vinnie away from her and he laughs loudly as y/n chases after thomas, trying to explain what he saw.

a/n i wrote this in december lmao. sorry for the short chapter i'm just trynna get the end of the school year over with

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