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@ jacobday (on tiktok) is included in this cause hes so fine and i want him to eat me

oh and he's 6'5

and vinnies recent tiktoks makes my body feel things

"vinnie and y/n! come out so we can welcome the new member!" thomas calls both of them out of their rooms and y/n walks next to vinnie as they walk towards the front door. "you excited?" vinnie asks y/n and she shrugs.

"is it a girl or a boy?" y/n asks. "girl." alex replies and y/n smiles. "finally more girls!" she laughs and vinnie rolls his eyes. y/n sits on the counter and vinnie stands in between her legs and y/n kisses his forehead.

"welcome!" they all shout as tabitha walks in and y/n gets off the counter. "hi guys!" she smiles and everyone starts giving hugs and welcoming her. "vinnieee!" she squeals, pulling vinnie into a big hug and vinnie slightly gasps and slowly hugs her back.

y/n watches and her fist clench but she unravels them as she gives tabitha a hug. "we're going out for dinner in a few to celebrate!" thomas says and everyone goes in their room to get ready. y/n rushes back into her room with vinnie quickly following behind.

once he closes the door y/n speaks up. "something is off about her." y/n says and vinnie raises an eyebrow. "what do you mean?" he asks. y/n lets out a loud sigh and rolls her eyes at him. "do you not see the way she just...pulled you in like that right in front of me?" she expresses and he scoffs.

"you're being dramatic. just get ready for the dinner." vinnie says and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. "oh fuck you!" she shouts at him, not caring if anyone else in the house heard her.

she grabs a lacy tank top and a pair of her lululemon leggings and quickly puts them on. "he hates when i wear this top around other guys but whatever." she mumbles and puts on a light sweater and her converse.

she walks out with her phone and sees tabitha and vinnie talking and smiling, making her blood boil. "jacob!" thomas shouts and y/n looks over at the front door and sees him walk in. "hey guys!" jacob smiles and y/n feels her cheeks heat up.

"y/n!" jacob shouts and y/n runs over to him and jumps in his arms. "i missed you! its been forever!" he laughs and y/n smiles at him. "i know! i missed you too." she laughs and hugs him again.

vinnie watches them interact and his eye twitches and he becomes beyond angry. "you okay vin?" tabitha asks, giving him puppy eyes and he scoffs. "don't call me that right now." he mumbles and walks away.

"alright everyone let's go." alex says and everyone hops into vehicles. y/n rides with jacob, thomas, alex and mia. y/n sits in the back with jacob and they start a conversation.

"what have you been up to?" jacob asks and y/n smiles. "working on my dancing. i have classes tomorrow." she says and he nods. "hows you and vinnie?" he asks and she scoffs. "working on it...things are getting rough." she mumbles and jacob frowns.

"don't let it get to you." he smiles and she thanks him as he puts his hand on her thigh. they arrive at the restaurant and jacob holds y/n hand as they walk in. vinnie is already seated with the others and he made sure to leave a seat for y/n next to him.

y/n sits next to vinnie and jacob sits across from her. "you know i hate it when you wear that top." he says and she scoffs. "you care now?" she whispers and he glares at her. "don't make me embarrass you in front of everyone." he says and looks at the menu.

vinnie has been working out more lately and his mussels show through his shirt. "dear lord please give me strength..." she whispers to herself and looks at jacob across the table and smiles.

they all order their drinks and food and y/n gets something light as her stomach started hurting out of nowhere. "do you want anything more y/n?" jacob asks and y/n shakes her head. "no thanks! thank you for asking though." she smiles at him and he winks at her.

vinnie gives jacob the death glare and jacob looks down as vinnie grabs y/n's thigh tightly and she quietly whimpers. he leans in her ear and whispers, "strike two.". she looks at him like he's crazy and puts up two fingers with a confused look.

"the first one was holding hands with him when you two walked in. don't fucking play with me." he grits his teeth then starts eating his food, letting go of her thigh.

the next twenty minutes go by pretty well until jacob leans over and wipes something off of y/n's lips a bit too slowly. "oh jacob." she giggles and as soon as she finishes, vinnie grabs her and pulls her out of the restaurant.

"vinnie!" she shouts and he quickly unlocks his car and shoves her in the passenger seat before slamming the door in her face. "hey asshole! what the hell was that?" she asks as he enters the driver's seat.

"strike three." he sighs and starts the car. "vinnie what the fuck are you so mad about?" she shouts at him but he ignores her as he speeds all the way back to the house. "you should be mad at jacob and not me." she says and crosses her arms.

"the flirting...the fucking giggling and touching is pissing me off." he says calmly, giving y/n chills. "well you were all touchy with tabitha!" she argues and vinnie scoffs. "it was a fucking hug y/n! that's it!" he yells, slamming his hand against the wheel, making y/n flinch and turn her body away from him.

"oh fuck you vinnie!" she yells and he pulls over the car. "get in the back," he says and y/n widens her eyes and looks at him. "you're kidding me right?" she asks and he gives her the death stare. "get in the back y/n. don't make me repeat myself or things will be worse for you." he raises his voice and she scoffs.

"bitch." she mumbles and slams the door and gets in the backseat. vinnie also gets in the backseat and sits in the middle, spreading his legs. he looks at her and motions for her to kneel in between his legs.

she sighs as she squeezes herself in between his legs and unzips his pants, pulling them down a little. she pulls his boxers down and he groans as she slowly jerks him off. "use your mouth, whore." he scoffs and she leans over, slowly licking the tip.

he rolls his eyes and pushes her head down and she gags loudly as her nose hits his shaft. "there you go..." he groans and throws his head back and moves her head up and down. she grips his thighs and breathes through her nose as best as she can.

she looks up at him, making eye contact with him as tears roll down her face and he smirks at her, wiping her tears with his free hand and she whimpers as he chuckles and pushes her head down even more.

"swallow all of it bitch." he says and y/n whines as he starts fucking her face and moaning quietly. he groans lowly as he releases in her mouth and she quickly backs up from vinnie and swallows, then coughing and holding her chest.

"suck it up." he chuckles and pulls his pants up. she gets on his lap and slowly starts grinding on him. "vinnie...please." she whines and puts his hand down her pants. "oh?" he asks and slowly rubs his fingers on her clit, making her head fall back and she moans his name.

"too bad you don't deserve it." he scoffs and throws her off of him, making her scream and he gets out of the back, entering the front and starting the car. y/n sits in the back and crosses her arms and kicks his seat as he drives back home.

a/n: ending this book before the next school year starts 😏😏

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