toxic ex-boyfriend vinnie hc's

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toxic ex-boyfriend vinnie - who comes banging on y/n's door after he saw her on a date with another man, knowing he shouldn't feel how he does.

"open the fucking door y/n!" vinnie shouts and y/n groans, putting down her phone before opening the door. "what do you wan-" she couldn't even finish her sentence before he pushes himself inside her house. "what the fuck?" y/n yells and closes the door.

"who was that." he asks but it sounded more like a statement. "who was who?" y/n asks, taking a few steps away from him. "that man you were out with not that long ago." vinnie scoffs and y/n's eyes widen. "how did you know i was on a date?" she asks and he chuckles. 

he walks over to her fridge and grabs a beer. "vinnie you aren't staying here. especially after you fucking stalk me." she crosses her arms and he rolls his eyes. "i wasn't stalking you." he says. "so you just so happened to be at the restaurant?" she asks and he nods.

"you looked like you had fun. with him touching your leg and kissing your cheek..." he says and y/n smirks. "you're jealous." she smiles. "shut the fuck up and come here." he groans and y/n chuckles as she walks over to him, taking the beer out of his hands. 

"stop drinking..." she sighs and he puts his around her waist. "shush." he mumbles and kisses her.

toxic ex-boyfriend vinnie -  who comes in at the middle of the night because he still has the key to y/n's house, but makes up for it by making her breakfast in the morning for her.

y/n finishes brushing her teeth and her eyebrows furrow as she hears noises downstairs. she slowly opens her door and creeps downstairs and almost screams as she sees vinnie in the kitchen. shirtless, and cooking.

"how the fuck did you get in my house?" y/n yells and crosses her arms. "don't worry about it baby." he looks at her, smirking. "i don't want you to see me dressed like this." she rolls her eyes and pulls down her bra. "i've seen you in bra in panties thousands of times." he mumbles and she laughs as she walks over and opens the fridge.

"i wish you were naked though." he whispers to himself. "i heard that!" she exclaimed and he smiles. "you can't keep breaking into my house though." y/n sighs and sits at the island and starts drinking her water.

"you know you love it." he chuckles and y/n rolls her eyes. 

toxic ex-boyfriend vinnie - who comes to y/n's job with flowers and chocolates, telling everyone that he's y/n boyfriend when at this point everyone knows he isnt.

"y/n, someone is here for you." one of her co-workers says and y/n looks up from her computer. she sees vinnie walking over with flowers and a box of chocolates. "oh my god.." y/n mumbles and smiles, putting her head in her hands.

"mornin' babe." he smiles and y/n rolls her eyes. "thank you." she sighs and he kisses her forehead. "what did you buy this for?" she laughs and puts it on her desk. "you've been working a lot and you're never home. so i figured i'd give you a treat." he smirks and y/n nods slowly.

"you know why i'm never home." she rolls her eyes and vinnie scoffs. "see you back at home. love you!" he smiles big before kissing her and leaving. 

"didn't you two break up?" one of y/n's friends asks and she nods. "you don't even want to know." y/n groans and puts her head down.

toxic ex-boyfriend vinnie - who in a heated makeout section, tries his best to finally get some sort of pleasure from her but y/n always ends up turning him down.

y/n straddles vinnie and he has his hands on her waist as they passionately kiss. "y/n, baby." vinnie mumbles, and y/n pulls away with a hum. "let's go upstairs." he whispers and kisses her neck. 

"" y/n smiles and giggles. vinnie rolls his eyes and groans. "why not?" he asks and y/n smirks. "every time we fuck we get back together." y/n says and vinnie nods. "exactly." he laughs and y/n scoffs.

"i'm not fucking you today. maybe when im high." y/n giggles and grinds on his lap. "then you go ahead and do that." vinnie groans and puts his hands on her thighs, stopping her from moving. "i have a blunt with me if you wanna get high." he smirks and y/n rolls her eyes.

"you wanna fuck me soooo bad." she smiles. "of course i do." he whispers, kissing her once again.

toxic ex-boyfriend vinnie - who can never keep his hands off y/n. every moment of the day he tries different ways to get her flustered and it always works somehow.

"hi y/n." vinnie whispers and y/n jumps, almost cutting her finger off with the knife in her hand. "jesus vinnie! don't do that when im cooking!" y/n complains and puts the knife down then turns around to face him.

"when did you get here?" she asks and he shrugs. "like thirty seconds ago." he says and she rolls her eyes. "once again, stop breaking into my house." y/n smiles and vinnie scoffs. "i live here." he smirks and y/n playfully pushes him away.

"these shorts are cute." vinnie mumbles and lays a hard smack on y/n's ass. "vinnie!" y/n cries out and turns around quickly. "can you stop cooking for an hour please?" he asks and y/n shakes her head. "no i'm already halfway done." she says.

vinnie sighs loudly and puts his hands on her waist and kisses her shoulder. "love you." he whispers, giving y/n goosebumps. "i know vinnie." she says back and kisses his cheek.

a/n: i was gonna finish it but nvm

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