smoke and mirrors

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ignore spelling errors i haven't wrote anything in a min

"come here." vinnie says, sitting in front of a mirror with his legs spread. he has dark purple LED lights on and candles lit all over the room as he always does. i slowly take off his hoodie and show him my matching set under. he watches me intensely as he smokes his cigarette and looks me up and down. i slowly walk towards him and sit in between him, my back against his chest and he spreads my legs with his other hand.

"why'd you call me?" i ask in a whisper as he kisses my neck slowly, leaving wet marks all over my skin. "i just missed you," he mumbles and puts the cig to my mouth. i put my lips around it and inhale the smoke.

i slowly blow it out and he runs one hand down my body, playing with my breast. i moan lightly and put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. "you didn't miss me vinnie." i say, opening my eyes and looking at him. he looks down at me and gives me that annoying smirk he always gives me.

"you just missed my body." i sigh and he kisses my cheek. "who wouldn't miss this pretty body of yours?" he asks and i bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling. he pulls out his phone and flips the camera, facing the mirror.

he puts his cig in my mouth and i wrap my lips around it again and he takes multiple photos as i inhale and blow out the smoke. he puts his phone down and slides his hand all the way down my stomach and down to my lacy underwear.

"spread your legs a bit more for me," he says and i do what he says as he starts rubbing small circles on my clit. "oh vinnie..." i moan softly and place my hand on his thigh. "i missed your pretty moans so much," he whispers in my ear and i bite my lip as he starts kissing my neck again.

he tells me to lift my hips up and i do as he takes my bottom lingerie off and puts them aside. i spread my legs again and vinnie chuckles as he inhales the smoke. "you're so wet y/n...i wonder why." he smirks as he teases two of his fingers at my entrance.

"stop fucking teasing me," i whine and he raises an eyebrow and he makes eye contact with me through the mirror. "i'll keep teasing you if you keep talking to me like that." he snaps back and i moan loudly as he smacks my clit, hard.

"fuck!" i moan and my body jolts forward but he pulls my hair, forcing my body back onto his. "what do you say?" he asks me in a calm tone and i scoff. "fuck you." i mumble and he laughs. "okay then." he whispers and puts the cig in his mouth.

he forces two fingers into me all at once, making me cry out loudly and my back arches. "vinnie!" i scream as he starts thrusting his fingers in and out of me as quickly as he can as he looks at me with a blank stare.

"shit! oh god!" i sob as tears form from the pain and pleasure i'm feeling. "shut the fuck up." he mumbles and covers my mouth and i scream in his hand as he continues with his aggressiveness. my legs start to shake uncontrollably and my eyes roll in the back of my head as i feel my high approaching.

"slow down please vinnie!" i beg through his hand but he doesn't listen to me and continues to go fast. he goes even faster it feels like if that's even possible. "cum for me. let me hear those moans." he smirks and moves his hand from my mouth.

i moan loudly and a string of curses leave my mouth as i cum around his fingers. he doesn't stop thrusting his fingers into me and i try to take his hand out of me but he won't budge. "vinnie! please!" i beg as tears fall down my face from the overstimulation and he scoffs. "what do you say?" he asks. "i'm sorry! i'm fucking sorry for t-talking to you like that!" i cry and look up at him.

he pulls out his fingers and my head falls back on his shoulder. "you look so pretty when you cry." he smirks and blows out smoke from the cig one last time before putting it out. he wipes my tears as we make eye contact. "why do i keep giving into you?" i ask myself but was also asking him at the same time.

"you can't resist me. just like how i can't resist you. you know you love me, baby." he chuckles and rubs my thighs. i blink slowly at him and he rubs my cheek. he slowly takes off his pants and groans as he takes off his underwear.

"get on top of me," he whispers and i slowly slide on top of him. he unclips the back of my lingerie and puts the top next to my underwear. he kisses my chest, leaving marks all over my body. i take a deep breath and line his tip with my entrance and i slowly slide down. "oh fuck..." vinnie groans and puts his hands on my hips.

i nuzzle my face into his neck and moan quietly as he helps me up and down. "vin..." i whine and he makes me face him. "i'm tired..." i whisper and he nods. he holds me tightly as he thrusts up into me harshly. i moan his name as he continues to thrust into me and he kisses my neck slowly.

"you're always so tight around me're just perfect for me," he whispers in my ear and i run my fingers through his hair on the back of his hair. "oh god- vinnie.." i moan softly and my head falls on his shoulder.  

"you're so pretty...always so pretty." he rubs my back and kisses my neck as he continues to thrust up into me. i whine loudly as his thrusts get harder and my head falls backward. he kisses me softly and his hand slowly slides up towards my neck.

"vin- i'm so close...please.." i beg and look in his eyes, seeing how his eyes are full of lust. "cum for me baby..." he whispers in my ear and he thrusts up harder and faster, making my head spin and everything goes white.

he groans in my ear once he climaxes and my body goes limp on top of his. i close my eyes and vinnie kisses my neck. "let's get you cleaned up, okay?" he asks and i nod. i slowly slide off of him and he picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bathroom.

he starts a warm bath and slowly puts me in it. he leaves the room to change clothes but quickly comes back in with clothes for me. he kneels by the bath and kisses my cheek. "are you okay?" he asks and i nod slowly.

"can we sleep after this?" i ask and he nods. "of course." he smiles and runs his fingers through my hair. he helps me out of the tub and wraps me in a towel. "i'll let you get dressed." he smiles at me and i smile back with a nod.

i walk into the bedroom after i'm dressed and vinnie is lying on the bed on his phone. "you texting one of your hoes?" i ask and vinnie chuckles. "yeah." he smirks and i scoff and lay in the bed, kinda distant from him. 

"come here," he mumbles and pulls me towards him. he kisses my neck and takes a photo. "there. i sent it to her." vinnie says and puts his phone down. "you know i only want you." he says and i nod. 

"sure." i mumble and he rolls his eyes. "i love you." he smiles and kisses me. "i love you too." i smile a little and snuggle into his arms.

a/n: hi guys its been a whileee

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