f*cked your b*tch

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"what the hell is wrong with you aaron?" i ask as i see him cuddling with another girl in our bed. aaron and i have been dating for almost a year, but we kind of fell off. but i don't have the guts to break up with someone, it would affect me too and i would never forgive myself for it. "y/n, i can explain-" "fuck your explanation! god knows if you two fucked-" "we didn't have sex...okay maybe we gave each other head." he says and my jaw drops. "oh my fucking god." i mumble before quickly turning around and running down the stairs. 

i need to see my best friend, vinnie. he's always there for me no matter what im going through and it helps a lot. any time i need help or support i go straight to vinnies house. he's here for me more than aaron, which is weird.

i grab my keys from the counter quickly as i rush out the house with aaron following behind me. "where are you going?" he yells and i huff as i turn around. "vinnies! and don't even think of following me!" i yell back and he throws his hands up then back down. "fucking bitch." i mumble as i get in my car and i slam the door. i grab my phone from my pocket and i immediately call vinnie, letting him know im coming over. he quickly answers and i put the phone to my ear. "im coming over." i say and he yawns, im assuming he just woke up cause he always wakes up late. 

"what happened?" he asks in his sleepy voice making me smile a little. "aaron cheated vin." i say slowly and i hear vinnie gasp. "that motherfu-" "don't worry about it. just called to let you know im coming over." i say and i hear him hum. "okay." he says then hangs up. i run my fingers through my damp hair cause i got out of the shower right before i found out aaron cheated. "fuck my life." i mumble as i turn on the car and start driving to vinnies house.


i knock on the front door pretty hard, just in case vinnie is playing a game with his headphones on so he can hear me. i see the door open to reveal vinnie shirtless, damp hair and pajama pants on. "are you okay?" he asks as he moves out of the way to let me in and i shrug my shoulders. "hanging in there i guess." i mumble and he wraps his arms around me. "you don't deserve any of what you're going through." he mumbles as he holds me closer to him and all of my stress just fades away.

"let's go to my room hm?" he asks and i nod. im not going to lie, vinnie is hot. i mean like very very hot. but i would never cheat on him with vinnie but at this point, i could care LESS.

we walk up to his room and he quickly closes the door behind him and i put my phone on his nightstand.. "so, do you want to talk about it?" he asks and i nod and we sit on his bed. "so what happened?" he asks and i sigh. "well, i just got out of the shower and i guess he just snuck the girl in since the shower water is pretty loud, and take long ass showers. and when i was going to go tell him something i saw them cuddling. he admitted they gave each other head and i just left. and that's when i called you and now im here." as i explain to him, i notice his eyes become darker and his breathing becomes heavier.

"are you okay?" i ask him and he looks away from me. "shit, y/n, i have liked you for a long time now okay? and ever since you got with aaron i just wanted you all to myself but i couldn't. and i know you probably don't feel the same way and i totally understand. it's just that-" he keeps on expressing his feelings making me smile. 

fuck it, im fucking him.

 i smash my lips into his and he tenses up before kissing me back and he pushes me on my back and leans above me. "don't say anything, just fuck me already." i say and he smirks. "and im on the pill so let's just get this over with." i say as i take off my shirt and he quickly takes off my pants. "you have no idea how long i've been waiting to do this." he mumbles taking off my panties and spreads my legs. he immediately attacks my clit with his tongue making me gasp at the feeling. 

"oh- oh fuck-" i moan and i throw my head back. i close my legs a little but his hands shoot to my thighs, pushing them back open and starts moving is tongue faster making me almost scream. "fuck, why did i wait so long." he mumbles before sliding two fingers into me making me scream his name. "oh my god!" i moan as i buck my hips up and my legs start shaking. "i cant- oh my god i can't-" i say and he smirks. "too much for you hm?" he asks and i don't respond. i can't form any words at this point. 

"im so close vinnie-" i whimper and he grunts. "oh yeah? cum for me then." he says and i do immediately. my back arches and my jaw drops open as i ride out my high. he pulls his fingers out of me and sucks on his fingers. "you taste so good baby." he says leaning above me and smashing his lips into mine. "now, im gonna fucking destroy you baby." he says lifting me up and flipping me over so my ass is up in the air.

i hear him taking off his pants and he slams into me without any warning. "holy shit!" "ohhh, fuck." we moan at the same time and my jaw drops open as he starts pounding into me and gripping on my waist. "your so fucking tight baby." he grunts and i moan at his words and my head falls on the pillow in front of him. 

my phone starts ringing but vinnie doesn't stop. i turn my head and see him pick up my phone and he chuckles. "its aaron. hes face timing you." he says and i see his thumb swipe to the right, meaning he picked up the phone. "wassup man?" vinnie asks still pounding into me making me moan loudly but i don't care. "what are you doing yo?" i hear aaron ask and vinnie laughs. "you wanna see?" he asks and im assuming he flipped the camera. "moan my name baby as i fuck you senseless." he says laying a smack to my ass making me whimper. "fuck vinnie-" i moan and he hums in satisfaction. 

"are you fucking my girl? im coming to beat your ass!" aaron yells and vinnie hangs up the phone. "i'll deal with him after i make you cum okay?" he asks and i nod as i feel myself clench around him. "don't stop! im really close!" i beg and he grips my waist harder. "me too baby." he mumbles as his thrusts become uneven and slower. "vinnie-" i moan loudly as i slam my head into the pillow under me and i grip the sheets as i feel my self come undone. 

he pulls out and i assume he came in me and my body falls on the bed as i catch my breath. we hear a knock on the door and vinnie quickly puts his pants back on and he puts a blanket over me.

vinnies pov:

i quickly throw a blanket on y/n and i see her eyes shut slowly and i smile as i quickly kiss her on the forehead. i open the door to see aaron looking more pissed off than ever. "fucked your bitch." i say patting his shoulder and he takes a deep breath. 

"you mother fucker!" aaron yells and i laugh as i walk down the stairs calmer than ever.

a/n: i wanna go crystal shopping :(

didnt read before publishing...

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