long lost lovers

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"y/n, you ready to meet our new house member?" alex asks and y/n shrugs, sitting on the counter. "i'm kinda scared." she smiles and mia rubs her back. everyone in the house knows whos coming but y/n, but for a reason.

y/n and vinnie were high school sweetheart's from freshman year all the way through junior year until y/n had to move to california from washington. both of them couldn't stand to leave each other but eventually fell out of contact.

thomas invited vinnie to the house without him knowing y/n moved in, as shes also a newer member of the house.

"they're here!" kovur shouts and y/n smiles nervously. "i'm sure you'll love them!" tabitha reassures y/n and gives her a hug. y/n gets off the counter and stands behind all of them as they crowd around the door.

"yoooo" vinnie shouts as he opens the door and everyone cheers and gives him a hug. y/n is confused as she doesn't recognise the voice and cant see him. they all move out the way, leaving a gap in the middle so both vinnie and y/n can see each other.

both of their hearts drop. vinnie drops all of his things as he stares at her and y/n stares at him as tears form in her eyes. "vin?" she whispers and he covers his mouth as tears fall down his face.

she lets out a sob as she runs towards him and jumps in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist as she holds on to him as close as she can and vinnie holds her so close to him his mussels start to hurt.

everyone cheers and claps as they cry into each other's shoulders and embrace each other. vinnie puts y/n down and cups her face with both hands as she runs her fingers through his hair. "i can't believe this..." she laughs and wipes his tears.

"my god you look so different." he smiles and she giggles. "your hair got longer, got tattoos, you don't have your braces!" she shouts as she moves his top lip up, seeing that he got his braces off and he smiles even bigger.

she pulls his face in for a deep kiss, running her fingers through his hair as he holds her waist, bringing her closer. after a few seconds, vinne pulls away and lifts her up, throwing her over his shoulder, making her squeal and laugh as he walks in the house.

"bring my stuff in later!" vinnie shouts as he walks in the door that has y/n's names labled.

a/n: alr next imagine will be a smut i promise
school is over next week😍😍

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