bad news

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sad(ish?) stuff

if you don't know vinnie's parents' names, his mom's name is maria and his dad's name is nate.

only two days. only two days since vinnie ended things with y/n. not cause of cheating, lying, falling out of love. it was cause they both were struggling mentally, and being in a relationship wouldn't work.

vinnie's parents love y/n like she's their own daughter. every time vinnie would mention her or when his parents were down in LA, and when he would visit them with her, they would pay more attention to her than vinnie.

"we need to tell them." vinnie says to her, hands in his hoodie pocket and his leg is bouncing as he sits on his bed. "you're right. i have to tell my parents too." she whispers as her voice is gone from crying.

"how are we gonna say it?" he asks and she shrugs. "maybe tell them we need to work on ourselves first," she says and he nods. "they should be here in a minute or so." he sighs and they make eye contact.

y/n's lip quivers as tears brim in her eyes and she sobs slightly as she looks away. vinnie looks down and runs his fingers through his hair. "i'm sorry-" "it's not your fault vin." she quickly cuts him off, wiping her tears.

"it needed to happen." she shrugs and he sighs. they hear the front door open and they quickly get up and exit his room. his parents smile as they see the two together but quickly realizes, they don't look happy.

"mom, dad. we have to tell you something." vinnie says as they sit in the living room and they look nervous as they sit across from them. "this might really upset you guys." y/n says and maria raises an eyebrow.

"we broke up." vinnie says and his parents gasp. "what?" "why?" "who ended it off?" "vinnie did you cheat?" his parents were freaking out, making y/n sigh. "i ended it off." vinnie says and y/n looks the other way as tears form in her eyes again.

"why vinnie?" nate asks and maria feels herself getting upset. "it's not a one-sided thing." y/n says and vinnie nods. "we both aren't doing the best mentally and we just decided to end things off." she explains and rubs her forehead.

" two will still hang out right?" maria asks and they both nod. for the next few minutes y/n and vinnie did more explaining and the conversation stopped as it was time for y/n to go home.

"i'll walk you out," he says and she thanks him as they walk out of his house. "we can tell my parents tomorrow," she says and he nods as they walk on his front porch. they face each other, making eye contact once again.

not just y/n, but vinnie gets emotional as they look into each other's eyes and she looks down, tears falling down her face. he pulls her into his chest, holding her close as they hug each other tightly.

"i love you so much still." he whispers and she sniffles. "i love you too vinnie. just...another time." she whispers looking up at him with a small smile. he kisses her forehead and sighs. "i'll text you when i get home." she says and he nods, letting her go.

a/n: sorry for the short chapter
i just don't feel like writing

i'll be writing part 2 to 'finally meeting'
another time with smut another time.

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